Turning Failure Into Success In 6 Steps
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Turning Failure Into Success In 6 Steps

Learn how perspective can make any obstacle a tool for success.

Turning Failure Into Success In 6 Steps

While navigating the rugged path to success one is constantly imperiled by failures. Coming face-to-face with failure can serve to thwart an entire operation for some. However, when approached with the proper perspective, defeat can be transformed into a vital asset for individual success. Rather than blindly commencing the pursuit of success, adopt the six-step process into your approach.

1. Mourn and move on

Without mourning, achievement will not come. Albeit hypocritical to advocate self-pity when discussing a healthy mindset, a period of mourning can be pivotal to moving towards success. Avoid apathy and instead immerse yourself in the emotions that accompany loss - though only for a moment. By allowing yourself to embrace failure, you are simultaneously priming for acceptance and overcoming. So go ahead and wallow, but only if you can use it to move on.

2. Assess the negatives

Before you're ready to determine causes, you have to identify the criteria on which your perception of failure is based. In other words, you have to assess why you consider the situation to be a defeat. By pinpointing the conditions you see as negative you provide a framework on which you can construct a more specific and realistic vision of success.

3. Determine the causes

A sleek path to success is contingent upon determining the root of previous failures. Aside from giving you peace-of-mind, recognizing the causes of failure is the most efficient way to avoid falling victim to them again. Use this knowledge to your benefit by incorporating safety precautions into your developing plan for success.

4. Designate a new goal

The mourning has ceased, the analysis has concluded, and it is now time to set your sights on a new pinnacle of success. Don't allow the appeal of a blank-slate entice you into haphazardly establishing a new goal. Consider previous mistakes and their causes in order to craft a new goal that is aspirational, yet realistic. Once a new goal is selected, it is time to ignore previous failures entirely, and set your focus solely on moving forward.

5. Appoint benchmarks

While determination and focus are the basis of success, it's a complementary plan of attack that truly gets the job done. The end goal itself can be daunting at times, but try breaking it up by organizing benchmark goals that will keep your progress in check along the way. Not only will these modest goals help to regulate the process, but they will also provide enough sense of accomplishment to keep your motivation steady.

6. Encourage yourself

Last but not least, success is unattainable without self-encouragement. Even though you're hyper-focused on the end result, allow yourself to celebrate the smaller victories as a way of boosting confidence and pride. And don't be afraid to be vocal about your goals: sharing your progress with others is an easy way to build enthusiasm and stay on course.

The bottom line is that failure is simply a roadblock, not a road closure. Embrace failure with a positive mindset and you will see it transform to success with ease.

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