No Turning Back: Finals Week
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No Turning Back: Finals Week

An end of semester survival kit

No Turning Back: Finals Week
Natalie Stutts

The last month before finals has arrived, the day to drop without penalty is gone, and the work load is still piling up. As we approach the final days of the semester it is important not to lose focus, especially for those planning to graduate in December. So how do we stay ahead of the overwhelming few weeks at the end of semesters? How do we not get lost in the excitement of graduating or fall trap to the powers of procrastination? Since there is no turning back, how do we ensure we keep moving forward?

1. Make a Schedule

If some of you are like me, your calendar is sitting in your backpack collecting dirt and dust, because you have not kept up with a schedule since the 2nd week of school, but with finals approaching, making a schedule is crucial now more than ever. It seems cliche to say, "make a schedule," but by now you have built this over confidence in keeping track of your exams, homework, and assignments. Dust off that calendar and plan out your day. Make an hourly schedule of what classwork you are going to do when, what studying is priority, and plan breaks. Teachers are notorious for bombarding you with the "big" assignments at the end of the semester. Those papers that are worth the largest chunk of your grade, the last exams before finals that seem to be the toughest, and bog you down with readings, discussion boards, and all those other tedious assignments. So do not just assume you can keep track with everything, be proactive, be careful, and make a schedule.

2. Prioritize

When making a schedule you need to ensure you decide what needs most of your time and when. Establishing priorities are a significant part of surviving the chaotic final stretch. Look at your classes, look back on your semester, look over your syllabus, and come up with which items need to be at the top of your list and which can be lower. If there is a class, for instance, you have struggled with all semester and you know you will need more time to ensure you grasp everything you need to know and more time to complete the assignments then obviously that class will be a top priority. Unfortunately, binge watching Shameless will have to fall to the bottom of your list, if you are to give yourself the best chance to successfully get through the home stretch of the semester.

3. Take a Break

Obviously the last part of the semester can be the most draining, physically, mentally, and emotionally. There is all the work that has to be done on top of studying for finals. Sometimes, the best thing to do in the midst of all the overwhelming chaos is to take a break. Grab a coffee with some friends, play on your Xbox for a while, go for a walk - do something for an hour that allows you to just clear your head. Then come back and you will be surprised how rejuvenated you feel. Do not fall trap to the turmoil of the final half of the semester, because you forget to relax every once in a while.

4. Do Not Disregard Your Health

It is significant you take time to eat and sleep. It sounds too basic that it should almost not be mentioned, but it is surprising how many people let go of eating and how many more fall to the all nighter routine. Stay well hydrated, eat foods high in protein, and ensure you are sleeping between 6-8 hours. It is important to keep your body physically healthy, especially in the winter months coming, with cold and flu season on the rise, allergies, and so forth. Try to remain positive and fuel your body with the necessary tools to survive the battle of the final weeks.

5. Ask for Help

The final parts of the semester are a struggle. Try partnering up with people in your class you trust to actually study and keep you moving forward in the class. Speak with professors, by letting them know where you are in the class and what you need to finish, professors are a great tool to help you maintain a schedule and even help you stay positive. If you are struggling with a paper, schedule a meeting with them to go over it and allow them to help you fill in what you are missing. Ask professors if there is anything you are missing or might need to know to ensure you come out of the final part of the semester on top. It is not a weakness to ask for help. Getting through the final part of the semester is something most students struggle with, so why not team up and work together to give yourself the best chance to come out on top?

6. Negotiate

If all else fails, you have looked over your schedule, met with professors, studied, and work diligently yet sill feel it is impossible to get everything done; it may not be unreasonable to ask for an extension on an assignment. Speak with your professor, show them your schedule, propose alternative time frames that are reasonable for taking a test or turning in a paper or even submitting a simple discussion board. It does not hurt to try, because this is it, there is no going back and dropping the class without penalty. So do whatever you can to give yourself the best chance.

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