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The Truth About Valentine's Day

Let’s be real-- it’s on a Tuesday this year.

The Truth About Valentine's Day

Let’s be real-- it’s on a Tuesday this year.

It’s already February, and we all know what this month is about. And no, it’s not midterms, it’s Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, people generally have split opinions about this day. For some, it’s the day they have been waiting for, expecting to be showered with rose petals, boxed chocolates, champagne, and love. For others, it’s just another day. Those who do anticipate Valentine’s day are probably in a relationship or have high hopes that their secret admirers will finally reveal themselves. This raises hopes and expectations that just aren’t realistic sometimes, leaving many feeling disappointed or unloved.

Valentine’s day is no longer the day we all bring our own boxes to school hoping to get an extra special card from our crushes. It has quickly evolved into the day things are a bit more intimate, meaningful, and celebrated with that special someone. We don’t want just the small packet of Fun Dip that has a heart next to our names. We want more, don’t we? Whatever your personal fantasies are about Valentine’s Day, it probably includes something along the lines of flowers, dinner, and a couple hours of Christian Grey. While this is what we may desire, it’s not always what we’re going to get-- surprise. Even though Forest Gump says, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get,” you really might not even get that box of chocolates this Valentine’s Day. But, don’t be discouraged.

Many of us are still in school and/or working, which makes it pretty unrealistic to believe the posts that claim “every day should be Valentine’s Day if you’re with the right person.” We should all remember that we are busy humans and our lives will never be a constant Nicholas Sparks film. We bicker, beat heads, and often times want to (gently) strangle our significant other. Every couple in a romance movie has their moments too. On top of that, we’re just really busy. For students, school can become an endless cycle of work that leaves little room for other things like our social lives, our precious sleep, and frankly speaking, our sanity. Given these circumstances, we shouldn’t be seeking the daily romantic dinner dates and gifts Valentine’s Day heavily promotes. This is not necessarily because the idea is outrageously unrealistic. Rather, it’s because the biggest reward in finding the right significant other is feeling loved and appreciated at the end of the day regardless of the other junk.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little extra love from your significant other on Valentine’s Day. I mean, who doesn’t? Just remember that your worth isn’t represented by what goes down on Tuesday night. Whether you have someone or not, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get flowers and chocolates. It’s OK if you’re stuck in your room studying all day for your midterms. And most importantly, it’s healthy to show yourself some love if you need a boost.

After all, Valentine’s Day is just another Tuesday.

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