The Republican National Convention wrapped up on July 21. Donald Trump, now the official Republican nominee for the presidency, made a speech that got a lot of people excited. Republicans remarked about how relatively un-Trump the speech was. Democrats called him a fear-mongerer because he painted a dark picture of America over the past eight years and a darker picture of what he thinks a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like.
But quite frankly, I don't care much about his acceptance speech. His entrance on Monday night was more important and, quite frankly, much more electric.
I don't fashion myself a fan of Donald Trump, the presidential candidate. That being said, everything Trump does I find myself sitting back, shaking my head and smiling. So I guess I'm a huge fan of the character, the persona he puts on.
This entrance was straight out of WWE. Professional wrestling (a fake sport) brought to life (through a very real presidential race). It was artistry. It was a power move. It was electric.
Do I think Trump would make a great president? Hell no. (Do I think Hillary would make a great president? Hell no.) But... I think there is one move the Donald could've pulled that would've made him a lock to inhabit the Oval Office starting Jan. 20, 2017.
He shouldn't have picked Mike Pence to be his running mate. Donald Trump is the guy you imagine would come out of a combination of The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Randy Savage, a smoking hot wife (uh...wives) and billions of dollars. After all, he is the only presidential candidate in history to be in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Which is to say, Pence was a safe, bullsh*t pick for V.P. If Trump really cared about winning, he would've run with Vince McMahon by his side. #TrumpMcMahon2016.