To Hell With It All: Is This Current Climate Our New Normal?
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To Hell With It All: Is This Current Climate Our New Normal?

While the coverage of Trump has some people uncomfortable, it is better that we speak out than ignore or, through a policy of appeasement, allow for things to occur that we can never come back from or change.

To Hell With It All: Is This Current Climate Our New Normal?

Does anyone else feel like I feel? The outward manifestation of our current political climate is changing the landscape of the very fabric of who we are as Americans and around the world. I know that evolution is a natural part of nature, but have we gone too far? In days gone by, the POTUS was envied, admired, displayed such grace and even had a little bit of intrigue.

While some may argue that there is something intriguing about Donald Trump, others may argue the opposite. But, love him or hate him Donald Trump has changed the landscape. I feel that in years to come, as we read studies on Hitler, and all the communist and fascist tyrants from days gone by, we will read stories on Trump. It is not because he is arguably narcissistic, wannabe communist dictator but because when he leaves office, he would have accomplished something that no one would have anticipated. He already has.

Let's recap:

Early life

Donald Trump is the fourth child of New York real estate tycoon Fred Trump. Despite the family's wealth, he was expected to work the lowest-tier jobs within his father's company and was sent off to a disciplinary military school at age 13 when he started misbehaving in school.

A graduate of Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania., Trump became the favorite to succeed his father after his older brother, Fred, chose to become a pilot. His brother succumbed to alcoholism at age 43 which led Donald to avoid alcohol and cigarettes his entire life.

Presidential Candidate

In 1987 Donald expressed interest in running for the presidency and in 2000 ran as a candidate of the Reform Party.

Shortly after President Obama's historic win, the business mogul Donald Trump was one of the most outspoken members of the "birther" movement, which questioned whether Barack Obama was born in the US. Though those claims have been thoroughly debunked (Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii), it took years for Donald Trump to admit that there was no truth in the claims. It was not until the presidential race that he would concede to this truth, but there was no apology.

In June 2015. Donald Trump announced his entrance into the race for the White House. He ran on the premise that he would make America great again.

He promised that as a candidate with no need to fundraise he answered to no special interests and was the perfect outsider candidate.

Under the banner Make America Great Again, Trump has run a controversial campaign built on promises to strengthen the American economy, build a wall on the border of Mexico and the US, and to temporarily ban immigration by Muslims "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

Although there have been massive protests at his campaign events and the best efforts of his Republican rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump became the presumptive Republican party nominee for president after the Indiana primary. Trump's candidacy was not without scandal. but despite those scandals, he ultimately won the presidency.

New Normal

Trump's no holds bar attitude is when they go low, I go lower, and it has quite literally changed the game. Trump promised to drain the swamp but has quite literally singlehandedly dumped into it, the effects of which will last for years to come. But much more than that, Trump has found a way to divide us, the effects of which has seeped into our homes, our work place and the very fabric of who we are. While the coverage of Trump has some people uncomfortable, it is better that we speak out than ignore or, through a policy of appeasement, allow for things to occur that we can never come back from or change.

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