Top 8 Manic Pixie Dream Girls In Film | The Odyssey Online
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Top 8 Manic Pixie Dream Girls In Film

"I love the way she makes me feel. Like life is worth it".

Top 8 Manic Pixie Dream Girls In Film

Below are (in my opinion) some of the most well known and popular females in movies stereotyped as the MPDG. Do you agree?

#1: Summer Finn

You can't get anymore Manic Pixie Dream Girl than Summer Finn from (500) Days of Summer. The only things that we really know about her, is that she is from Michigan, her parents got divorced when she was a teenager, and she likes The Smiths - oh, and Ringo Star. She does quirky things like running around in IKEA, yelling out inappropriate words in public parks, and wearing adorable vintage clothing from Mod Cloth. Honestly, we don't know a lot about her character, but that she is solely seen through Tom's eyes. Tom's is the legit definition of broodingly lonely male type, looking for that "one girl" who will change his life and instantly make it all better. He turns to Summer as that safety blanket and clings on, hoping that her cute and weird personality will somehow spark up his life and give it meaning. Cliche number one.

Quote from film:"I love how she makes me feel. Like anything is possible. Like life is worth it".

#2: Ruby Sparks

Ruby Spark's character from the film Ruby Sparks, was literally invented by a lonely, at times whiny, and self pitying male leading character. Ruby is quirky, painfully cute, wears purple tights with brightly colored dresses, and likes to dance in public and seems to charm everyone with her warm and down to earth character. She's basically the only reason that the male character is surviving through his tough, writers block moment in his life - hoping that (ugh, again) her adorably strange personality will give him inspiration and meaning to his dull and lonely life.

Quote from film:"She's complicated. That's what I like best about her".

#3: Clementine Kruczynski

Whenever I think of a female character that is used only to make the leading male character somewhat developed, I can't help but not think of Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. When the two meet, shy Joel is instantly drawn to outspoken Clementine. Not going into the plot but only focusing on the character development, we only see Joel's point of view, and the struggles that he endures when dealing with the loss of Clementine. There seems to be that same crucial part of the film where we don't know much about the MPDG's background - besides the fact that she is purposely complicated - giving meaning to the man's life.

Quote from film: "I can't see anything I don't like about you".

#4: Sam

I don't know what else to say besides "Boy is depressed and lonely and lost. Boy meets quirky child-like girl with huge headphones listening to The Shins. Boy is interested by her charm. Boy and girl begin hanging out. Girl brings boy out of his shell. Boy and girl fall in love. Girl was only used (mainly) to bring background information from leading male character. Don't get me wrong - Garden State was a good indie film, but Sam's character was a bit overbearing in it's MPDG-ness.

Quote from film:"You changed my life. And I've known you 4 days".

#5: Margo Roth Spiegelman

Paper Town's Margo Roth Spiegelman is seen as this "mysterious and intriguing" girl throughout the entire film (and book), and the male character, Q, puts her on this incredibly high pedestal, without really getting to know her. It's kind of a sad realization of how we can just look at people and expect them to be so much more than human.

Quote from film: "She loved mysteries so much that she became one".

#6: Holly Golightly

One of the earliest Manic Pixie Dream Girl's, Holly Golightly is the epitome of the lost, conflicted but terribly eccentric and beautiful female character who attracts writer Paul Varjack. Her charms quickly reel him in, inspiring him to write, and causing him to fall in love with her in a matter of seconds.

Quote from film:"You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage"

#7: Samantha, the OS

We literally don't know anything about Samantha's character from Her, because 1, we cannot see her, and 2, she's an operating system. She's only there to keep the leading male's character company because he's lonely. Suddenly he feels like he can live his life and anything is possible.

Quote from film: "I feel like I can be anything with you".

#8: Ramona Flowers

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World's Ramona Flower's is the ultimate Dream Girl. Lazy slacker and rocker Scott Pilgrim sees Ramona's character as flawless, even though she acquires 7 evil ex boyfriends. He's a bit clueless at times, and it takes him awhile to realize that she is human with her own downfalls and mistakes, as well as a complicated past.

Quote from film:"When I'm around you, I kind of feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I do drugs. Unless you do drugs, in which case I do them all the time. All of them".

So what do you think of the list? Yes? No? What is your take on The Manic Pixie Dream Girl?

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