Jokers Ranked from Worst to Best
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Jokers Ranked from Worst to Best

Jokers Ranked from Worst to Best

Jokers Ranked from Worst to Best

If you're seriously not expecting any spoilers in this article, then I honestly can't help you.

-100. Jared Leto

Apparently, Jared Leto's Joker was supposed to be a more modern take, but last time I checked, modern criminals don't look like Souncloud rappers. Come on, this is a mentally ill man who fell into a pool of acid, and you still tried to sexualize him? Why, just why? Besides his design, he also only got, like, two scenes in Suicide Squad, but both were weirdly uncomfortable, and not in the trademark Joker way.

9. Cesar Romero

Okay, Romero was limited because of the restrictions on TV at the time, so I'm not judging Romero as an actor. Romero did a decent job of doing everything he needed to do to be a trademark Joker, but in my opinion, the key thing that makes Joker such a good villain is the contrast between his comedic demeanor and his evil actions that go with it. Unfortunately, Romero wasn't really able to commit any truly evil acts, so it was difficult to take Romero seriously.

8. Lego Batman Joker

Lego Batman's Joker wasn't quite as scary as he shouldn't been, but that being said, this Joker was specifically targeted towards kids, so it's not like I'm expecting him to poison Boy Scouts with cotton candy or physically assault Harley Quinn. However, I put Lego Joker above Romero's Joker simply because Lego Joker certainly wasn't a terrible portrayal and it's also more original.

7. Cameron Monaghan

Gotham had too many plot turns, which ended up leaving the audience too confused to really take the Joker seriously. However, Monaghan was still an effective Joker, doing everything he needed to do.

6. Jack Nicholson - Batman: The Movie

Nicholson did a good job of being the Joker due to his captivating and chilling performance. Perhaps his past acting roles could be credited for his good way of spooking out the audience.

5. Mark Hamill (Voice Actor for animated Jokers)

Hamill's portrayal of the Joker was entertaining, incredibly accurate (in my opinion), and also very spooky. His laugh is especially critically acclaimed.

4. Zech Strumsky

Perhaps a less common version of Joker is Strumsky's portrayal. Strumsky is an aspiring actor, and even though he hasn't gotten any major roles yet, we definitely get chills from his portrayal. His laugh is especially chilling and possibly one of the greatest in the game.

3. Joaquin Phoenix

Phoenix definitely did a very unique take on the Joker, which is probably just because 2019's Joker was meant to explore the backstory of Joker. He's definitely not the first Joker to be pitiable, even though 2019's Joker deviates from the common backstories of Joker. He becomes Joker all on his own, which is almost more chilling as falling into an acid puddle. Also, while the audience can pity Joker, it's clear that Phoenix's Joker wasn't meant to be relatable. Regardless, his Joker was frightening and had the audience on the edge of their seats, questioning their own reality as well as worrying about Joker's unpredictable mental state. In the future, please check out my page to potentially see a more in-depth analysis of 2019's Joker.

2. Heath Ledger

Is a Top 10 Joker list even remotely credible if Heath Ledger isn't #1? That seems to be the overall consensus. However, Heath Ledger's Joker was still extremely good, so I have to put him as #2. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said by every other top 10 Joker article, but to summarize, Ledger's Joker was a villain that was truly diabolical and terrifying, but somehow is also charismatic enough to draw in audience members, which is perhaps why he's such a popular Joker.

1. Creed Bratton

Many people put Heath Ledger at the top of their lists because they're bandwagoners who are unable to make evaluations for themselves. Or maybe they're just not true Joker fans. Because anyone with half a brain cell would agree that Creed's incredible portrayal of Joker was easily the greatest of all time. His intense stare and chilling voice is enough to send shivers down the spines of anyone.

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