I have a deep love for the Lord and my favorite way to pray and reflect is through praise and worship. It can be difficult to sit and pray in the craziness of the day or in a silent church, but praise and worship music gives me the words to pray and a melody on which to focus. Over the years, I have gathered a quite large collection of worship songs through Mass and activities through my church. While I have a deep love and appreciation for so many different songs, these are the 10 that are my favorite, always an aid in my own meditation and prayer.
10. "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" -Matt Redman
Favorite line: "And on that day when my strength is failing / The end is near and my time has come / Still my soul will sing your praise unending / 10,000 years and then forever more!"
9. "Lord, I Need You" -Matt Maher
Favorite line: "You’re my one defense, my righteousness / Oh God, how I need You."
8. "King of my Heart" -John Mark and Sarah McMillan
Favorite line: "You’re never gonna let, never gonna let me down."
7. "How He Loves" -Crowder
Favorite line: "If His grace is an ocean we’re all sinking."
6. "It Is Well" -Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music
Favorite line: "Let go my soul and trust in Him / The waves and wind still know His name."
5. "Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)" -Hillsong United
Favorite line: "So take this heart, Lord / I’ll be Your vessel / The world to see / Your love in me."
4. "Good Good Father" -Chris Tomlin
Favorite line: "It’s love so undeniable I can hardly speak / Peace so unexplainable I can hardly breathe."
3. "At the Cross (Love Ran Red)" -Chris Tomlin
Favorite line: "At the cross, at the cross, I surrender my life / I’m in awe of You; I’m in awe of You / Where Your love ran red and my sin washed white / I own all to You."
2. "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" -Hillsong United
Favorite line: "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders / Let me walk across the waters wherever you would call me."
1. "Here’s My Heart" -Crowder and Passion
Favorite line: "You are more than enough / You are here; You are love / You are hope; You are grace / You're all I have; You're everything."
Of course, there are many more absolutely beautiful and amazing praise and worship songs that did not make the list. While two people will not connect to the same song in the same way, all of these are worth a listen.
Dear God, let your glory shine through this music and let us praise You for all our days.