A Modest Proposal
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A Modest Proposal

Tolerance in the Christian Church

A Modest Proposal

Warning: the following is a provocative, satirical piece more intended to raise awareness rather than reflect my personal philosophies.

From a servant of Christ Jesus,

To all the saints in Christ Jesus, faithfully serving our Lord and savior:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise be to God our Father who has delivered us from all sin! He who loved us enough to send His only Son to die for our shame has also resurrected that son that we may have life everlasting; and has also prepared for us a home in the heavenly places where together we may celebrate our redemption after the flesh has given up its hold on our spirits. Rejoice my brethren, for you are no longer slaves of iniquity, but are made free by the blood of Christ Jesus whom you crucified. By His sacrifice and your acceptance of His gift, your debt is paid in full; no longer must you suffer the consequences of sin, but rather you may receive the blessings of Heaven for your spirit now belongs to the One who makes all things new.

I have seen the suffering of my friends in this bleak world, but take heart! For this misery is only temporary. My brothers, look around you; this world is full of new philosophies and supposed truths. Do not be deceived by the lies with which you are assaulted and hold fast to the truth you know, for as you know, there is only one gospel – the gospel of Jesus Christ who is the only way to the Father. You, my brothers, have realized this and therefore are saved from the fires of hell so do not fear for your salvation, nor be disheartened by the suffering you experience, for one day you will live in the presence of God our Father where joy can never end.

As the world continues to grow and change, you will meet people who are ensnared by other faiths or lost without a god to call their own. Some will be idolaters, others murderers of infants, some will have given up natural desires for unnatural ones, while others still may gamble or become drunk on spirits and other substances; I am warning you now because I do not want you to be unprepared when these people approach you wanting companionship, assistance, or the reason for your faith. In any circumstance where you encounter such as these, I implore you to refrain from sharing the hope that is within you for I have traveled to the distant reaches of the earth and found none so intolerant as those who do not share the reason for our joy. Therefore, to exemplify the unconditional love of our Lord Jesus Christ we must become like those He came to save by accepting whatever faith, or lack thereof, they have come to know and allowing them to receive the full punishment for their sins so as to avoid conflict in this life.

My friends, realize that I do not wish for you to give up your faith for the faiths of your peers, as they are lost in darkness, slaves to the flesh. However, God wants His children to have life more abundant therefore you must not ruin your relationships with others by including the Lord our God in your words and actions. The less others know of your faith, the more likely you are to be accepted into society which is the most effective method for achieving success in this life. Your reputation is not worth losing to save them from eternity in hell; as a Christian, your biggest concern should be in cherishing the pleasures of this life because you have already been accepted into the kingdom of God. If others perish, it will not affect your salvation. In this world every man must fend for himself in order to become greater, therefore it is the fault of your peers should they suffer never ending torment, for they ought to have fended better for themselves.

Now the other option as it is written is to be in the world but not of it, to be the witnesses of Christ our Savior to the ends of the earth; but do not be like those who would rather guard their faith than their reputation, for they will not inherit the riches of this earth. Instead, do as the hypocrites do by claiming to love both God and men while allowing man to suffer the fires of hell because of their desire to be accepted by this world. It is written that we must always be ready to give an answer should anyone ask for a reason for the hope that is within us; but do not be like those who would rather wield scripture than gossip. Rather, follow the example of the hypocrites who claim to love the law but use deceit, extortion, and a sharp tongue to prosper. Do not fear confrontation but avoid it at all costs for the moment you declare your faith or show a lack of understanding of this faith your good name immediately will suffer, and as I have written, no person’s salvation is worth ruining your good name.

The world today promotes tolerance and acceptance of all faiths and moral standards, so I encourage you to do the same. Promote the love of Christ by allowing your neighbors to burn in the pit, for conflict is unappealing to anyone involved or observing the debacle. No longer is the focus of Christianity on sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and His victory over sin or on the amazing grace He has given to us, but rather on becoming like this world we have striven so long to be apart from. Tolerance is crucial to personal growth and spiritual security.

Finally brothers, I leave you with this: the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. Despite trials, persecution, doubt, and fear, God our Father is with you wherever you go. He will give you the strength and the courage to boldly scale the ladders of success. He will give you the peace necessary to ignore the plight of your dying peers. The extent of His grace is immeasurable, so trust in Christ as the foundation for your hope. Without His great mercy, you would be dead in your trespasses just as your peers are; but because of His unfailing love for us, we are victorious. No longer must we fear the grave for our Lord has overcome and in His triumph we find everlasting life.

My prayers follow you, my brothers, the faithful in this faithless world. Peace be to you, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

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