Dear young me,
Everything is going to be okay! At eighteen-years-old and in my second year of college, I am just as aimless as you are right now. I still don’t know what I am doing or what direction I am headed in, but all I know for sure is that everything will eventually fall into place. I know that it may seem overwhelming right now, but I promise you the worst is yet to come and everything is going to work out. I would not change a single thing that happened to you because everything that happened has turned you into the person you are today. Through those experiences you have become strong and challenged yourself everyday to be the better you.
There are going to be days where it may seem that your whole world is falling apart and nothing is going your way, but when that happens just take a step back, breathe, and move on. We all have our fair shares of good days and bad days, but don’t let that one bad day ruin all your good days to come because I promise you there are plenty to come.
Dear me,
Listen to your parents and share your worst and best moments with them. Tell them about your good days and your bad days because they do care. It may seem as though they don’t know what you’re going through, but don’t you forget that they went through the same things and are just trying to stop you from making the mistakes they made. I promise you, your parents are going to be your biggest supporters and are always going to be proud of you no matter what. They are going to turn into your best friends, and you’re going to call and text them multiple times a day, I can assure you that.
Dear young me,
That one heartbreak may seem like your entire world is collapsing, but that heartbreak taught you how to be strong and that you don’t need anyone to make you happy but yourself. Learn to love yourself in order for others to love you, because the day you discover how to appreciate yourself will be the day that things will look much better.
Dear young me,
Meet new people and always say yes to new experiences. Meeting new people, and putting yourself out there might not be the most comfortable thing, but it will introduce you to some of your closest friends. Try new food, explore new things, learn a thing or two, because those experience will shape you into the person you’re today.
Lastly, appreciate the people around you, call your parents and siblings everyday, stay away from negative influences, remove the toxic people from your life, and always be yourself. No matter how tough things get, just always be positive and hope for the best. In the end things will work out for you.
Future Me