To the guys who stole our composite,
I’m aware that stealing fraternity composites is a long standing tradition but why did you feel the need to steal a women’s fraternity’s composite? Was it really that important that you know all of our first and last names and positions in the sorority?
To make matters worse you weren’t even invited into our home, you broke in in the middle of the night, waltzed into our chapter room and took the huge frame off the wall. Granted our back door was unlocked because Mercer has taken over two weeks to get it fixed and gave us a temporary bathroom latch; but that is still no excuse to walk into a random sorority house.
I doubt you thought about the fact that ten college aged women live inside and were sound asleep. Our house is more than a meeting place, it is our home. We had no idea that some random drunk men were going to walk into our home and steal a composite. You failed to think about the fact that the ten girls who live here are now going to sleep less soundly because they are concerned that the next drunk boy to waltz in off the street is going to do more than steal a giant picture.
You (your brothers) even tried to slyly return it by dropping it off on our front porch and leaving before we could confront you. You expected that since you returned the composite, it would be no harm no foul, but you failed to realized you not only stole from us, you broke into our home. You broke into the one place we are supposed to feel safe.
So next time you consider pulling a “harmless” prank, think about the fact that you are breaking the law, and ruining ten girls peace of mind.
An Annoyed Soroity Girl