To All the Amazing Guys That Do Not Get Enough Credit
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To All the Amazing Guys That Do Not Get Enough Credit

Specially the ones I spent 37 days with at CST.

To All the Amazing Guys That Do Not Get Enough Credit

In the midst of all the hate guys have been getting lately, I want to take a moment and appreciate the change and improvement guys have collectively made.

Starting off with the moment that Foster called me out and spoke on behalf of some of the guys. He mentioned that he was tired of being associated with a certain "stereotype" and how everything he said felt "twisted". To be fair, I did understand a degree of it, but just because men are now starting to feel the heat women have felt for the past hundred decades, doesn't mean anyone is backing down. Men need to grow thick skin and make their support known.

Now that I'm back into the real world I've realized how amazing guys are when the day to day bullshit is taken away. Anyone can hide in the comfort of college, alcohol, and parties. At camp all of that is removed, and you are left with nature, MRE's, and your true sweaty self.

1. Shull

(Maria M)

Lloyd and I were sitting on my top bunk bed, when Shull came in and said, "hey guys I brought you candy, want some?". Lloyd and I didn't know what to do, we kind of thought it was a joke, but Shull wasn't kidding. We looked at each other, and then at Shull, bursting into giggles.

As far as I know, when you spend 37 days with people, you get to see the best and worse qualities. But Shull never had "a moment". He grew up with 6 other siblings and it really shows. After the 2 weeks mark, I'm pretty sure all the girls were tired of all the sexist comments from the other guys, and unconsciously gravitated towards Shull.

Every time Shull had a snack, no matter whether there was enough, he shared. There was never a snack Shull didn't share. But working with him was the best part. Not once, as squad leader did he micromanage. He allowed personal growth within his subordinates. But above all, whenever a female was in leadership, he didn't question her; which was an aggravating obstacle we all faced throughout camp. Understanding that we're all (male or female) trying to develop our confidence, it's hard when (females) are looked as if we don't know what we are doing, because who does?

I know that this is a societal thing and not every guy does it, because Shull is the proof. When Shull had a question, he didn't let others feel inferior. Shull was part of most girl convos, and although he reached some limits at some points, he was open about himself. There was never a moment were we felt there was a "wall", and if there was within himself, he didn't take it out on any one else.

Thank you Shull, for being confident enough to let your guard down around us. For being comfortable in your sexuality to be vulnerable around girls, but mostly for overcoming your own obstacles in sex biases and striving to be a wholesome person.

2. Foster

Left to Right (Me, Lee, Foster, Lloyd, and Shull)

I know calling me out on my bullshit is not necessarily easy, and I appreciate you for that. As the prankster of the platoon, your non-sense was always a comic relief. I didn't realize how serious you were, and how much confidence and awareness it takes to speak up on our (female) sexist comments. I do think it works both ways, and for any change to occur, it can't be one sided.

You helped me realize how much room there is to improve, and how easy it is to misinterpret what I say, especially when people don't know me. I don't always think I'm right, but the way in which I talk anyone can probably assume I'm on a high horse, because I read and quote intellectual bullshit.

I think this whole gender equality has made us forget how crucial it is to be equal, and not every guy is out to put us down. Most importantly, I realized how left out guys must feel in this new wave of feminism. Understand that this whole anger thing is new for a lot of girls, and we don't mean to displace our anger on every guy, but it happens.

I've realized that not every girl joke is intended to attack women, just as every guy joke is not intended to attack men. But change cannot happen without men, and perhaps right now it's time to appreciate how far you guys have come. Not every guy is an asshole, and even if they are, most of them are trying to shift away from that early 2000s sexist mentality.

Thank you for fighting with me and Martin as you would any guy. And for unknowingly treating us the same as the guys, specially in not holding back your insults, pranks and jokes.

3. Prose


Hipster Colorado boy who moved to California, classic. Not only did I run to you with my girl drama, and you helped me figure my shit out, but gave me perspective in the process. Although you don't think highly of your communication skills in the normative settings that happens at college parties, your leadership is in no way a reflection of that. You're very confident and know what you're doing, so hold on to that.

You're the only guy I could be completely transparent, and I'm glad I did. You're the first guy I openly talked about their tunnel vision, and had a pleasant conversation. We actually achieved something and we both learned our own faults and miscommunications. The kind of growing that occurs when judgment is not attached to our own ego.

Thank you Prose, for literally everything. For always being the first to volunteer, and do things differently. For being open minded and allowing criticism. For never taking things personal and somehow steering clear of drama.

4. Davis

L to R (Rogan, and Davis)

Old fashion, dad looking, tobacco dipping, Army dude. I think the moment I realized Davis was probably out of his element, and is actually a lot cooler than he makes it seems, was in our perverted circle of hook up stories. He starts off with the fact that he's "only had sex with one person, and then he married her". The whole room was silent, followed by "awws". Probably one of the cutest ROTC moments, and even the guys acknowledge how amazing that must be, considering the era in which we live in. I think it was seeing the other guys openly admit that they too wish they could say that they've only been with one person, that made it one of the best human moments.

The fact that we are able to sit and have the option to have both approaches to hook up culture is amazing. Not that long ago promiscuity was seen as this horrible shame, while being "prude" for a hot moment was correlated to being a square. As people, we've come a long way in accepting both and that's the type of shit our ancestors fought for.

5. LP

L to R (LP, and Ortiz)

Whomever said you are the guy version of me, is probably right. I'm pretty sure we were the top two boujeeist people in our platoon, and I really see why. Your fuck it attitude didn't really bother me, and your low-key sexist demeanor didn't rub me the wrong the way. I could spot your fuckboy attitude from a mile away and was glad to know that phase was over.

It's a shame we got our heart to heart conversation as we were in the gym waiting to fly home. The entire time after you said "open relationship", I literally had a moment. I can't even begin to imagine the kind of confidence it takes to do that. Knowing how much you must care for someone, to be with every step of this confusing era we call "college years". And above all, to talk about it and try to understand each others' needs, and putting someone's feeling above yours is the type of intimacy I read in novels.

I haven't met many guys that would do that for someone, and perhaps that's at my own fault, for staying in my own bubble. After talking to you, I realized how amazing you are, and how much you try to hide it, which is another topic on it's own. I think it's very brave of you, and guys like you to stay with a girl while you guys are both trying to figure your own shit out, while not taking it out on each other.

6. Martinez


Teddy Bear. Every time I see your posts on Instagram I take a moment to appreciate you as a person. Not only does seeing your workout videos make me want to work out, but they make me actually go to the gym. Lee and I would talk about you, because you were one of the few guys that was always down to fuck shit up and steal guidons. You're also super into health, and don't have the need to drink your emotions away.

For a frat Army guy, you're beyond chill. But the best part was that you never treated any girl like she was incompetent.

7. Sette

L to R (Sette, and Shull)

"I can't stop farting because you guys keep making me laugh" WAS THE CRAZIEST MOMENT AT CAMP BRO! I wish we went to the same school, because I would probably get drinks with you like every day. Honestly thank you for being so mature and understanding. I'm not sure how many times I came to you when I was frustrated and you logically calmed me down. You notice everything, but don't necessarily speak on it, and I want to be more like that.

I know there's a part of you that you hold back and it's kind of annoying, because it's the frat guy in you. I know for certain you don't think so, but you are a lot nicer than you allow yourself to be.

8. Bridges


Clearly you want to be sexist, but you are also low-key a feminist. The way you talked about your now fiancee was insane. Your entire demeanor changed and you glowed up. You bragged about her all the time and you are clearly whipped, so I guess you're not that bad. Not sure who hurt you in the past, but it's clear that your biases against women are from ignorance, and not because you're a shit person.

You only have like 1,927,367,921 walls up, and being defensive is easy because you don't know how to be vulnerable, but you started to become tolerable towards the end of camp. I think I understood your mindset when you asked me why I didn't get a "pee cup, so I could pee faster and not be an inconvenience". My first reaction was, "first off, I am not an inconvenience. And second, why would you ever say that?". It wasn't until I saw your genuine facial expression that I realized, you probably thought you were being so helpful by suggesting that.

I tried to have a conversation, but I was so offended, I probably didn't do a good job. After that conversation I tried to have better conversations in general and not assume you were just being a douche.

Thank you guys for all the memories, and I hope we do a reunion during the summer. I hope we all get the branches we wanted and that our paths may cross at some point! May we succeed in our careers and take failure with a grain of salt.

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