First off, you are unique, you are beautiful, and you are loved. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, ignore them. Ignore the standards that this world has placed on you.
The world has told us that we must be a certain height, we must be a certain size, and if we do not live up to these standards then we have failed. But I am here to tell you that these ideas and expectations placed on us by society are false. And it is NOT us who have failed society, but rather it is society who has failed us.
I can remember a time when I felt invincible. I felt like I could conquer the world. There was a time when I believed I could be anything. There was a time when I was unaware of others expectations and I saw myself as unforgettable. But somewhere in between the days of pixie dust and writing this article, the world’s expectations became my own. The world took my ideas of beauty and my ideas of how the female gender should act and screwed with it. And because of that I have been consumed and overwhelmed by the world's own desires for me.
But, this cannot continue any longer. The world has held onto us long enough. I’m no longer willing to be told that I must be a certain size, act a certain way, or speak at certain times. But rather, I will stand up against the expectations this world holds. I will be confident in who I am. I will be confident because I am strong, I am brave, I am determined, and I am beautiful no matter what this world says. I am a girl who has always fallen short of the worlds expectations, but I am also a daughter of the One True King. And because I serve a God who is graceful, I am brave.
I’m determined to no longer let myself feel insignificant or inadequate because of expectations that will change as the world slowly fades. But rather, I will stand firm in who I am in Christ. I will believe I can do anything, be anything, and achieve anything I put my mind to. So, take heart girls. Because this world is not our home. We will one day be a part of a world where everyone is seen as beautiful. We will live in a world where we are no longer consumed by worldly expectations. We will be able to walk boldly and confidently forward. Are heads will no longer look downward and are eyes will no longer pass judgement on ourselves and others, but rather we will live in a world where everyone is seen as equally beautiful.
So, stand firm. Don’t let this world tell you that you have failed. Because you are beautiful in the eyes of The Lord. You have been molded by The Lord, to be unique. And you are loved by the Lord above. Don’t look down, but rather, turn your eyes to the Lord above and know that you need not meet the expectations of this world because it will fade. But the love and beauty found in God above will always stay the same.