My sweet kindergartners,
I am sorry. I am sorry your first year as a big girl or boy wasn't the way it was supposed to be. I am sorry you're so confused about what's happening and no matter how many different ways it's explained to you it just doesn't make sense.
I am sorry you've worked so hard and learned so much only to feel like it's been interrupted. I am sorry your school year doesn't look like it should. I am sorry I made promises and plans I couldn't keep. I am sorry I didn't hug you longer and tighter before we left last Friday.
I am sorry you'll be learning virtually when we should be in the classroom with hands-on learning and socialization like kindergartners should. I am sorry if this makes you feel like every year of learning will be this way. But it won't.
I know it's scary and confusing right now but this shall pass. You'll go back to school one day and play on the playground, hug your friends, eat snack, have fun hands-on learning, and you'll have your teacher.
I am sorry I don't have all the answers. I pray we will be back together soon. But if not, please know how dear you are to my heart. You'll always be my first class and my first set of kindergarten babies. You are the first ones who made me a real teacher. You taught me so much about myself and my teaching style. You taught about real bravery, courage, forgiveness, compassion, and most importantly, love. You'll always be such a special group that I'll remember forever. This is a historical moment and you'll always remember this. You'll remember how this year was different than all the rest.
I hope to see you in a month. I pray you and your families stay safe. And even though I'll be seeing you from a screen, I'll still miss your sweet hugs and voices every day we are apart.