It's mind boggling how many women wear clothes that don't fit. Women well into their thirties snag a deal on a pair of Jimmy Choos and decide to make them fit even when they hurt. For whatever reason, our culture constantly bombards us with the idea that beauty is pain and that this size is prettier than that one. This brand makes you look more elegant than that one and so forth. But here's a secret I've uncovered - fashion and style isn't something you chase, it's something you cultivate, nourish, and grow with on the path of becoming who you are. Clothing can be beautiful but clothes do not make you beautiful. Shoes do not make you beautiful. Anything that you put on your body should serve to enhance what's already there - the real you that radiates beauty from the sparkle in your eyes.
It's unsurprising that there have been studies done that say that nearly four in ten women buy shoes knowing they don't fit. And another survey that says 42 percent of women would rather wear denim that's too small than to go up a size! Here we are in this modern century and yet we continue to constrict ourselves in the name of vanity and fashion.
It makes no sense. Imagine if a woman were wearing the most beautiful pair of shoes but behind her smile was agony because she's in pain. Or a woman who can't sit down because her denim is too tight and it's hurting her stomach. Both of these examples we see a woman who under normal circumstances may appear joyful and welcoming, but wearing the wrong size becomes overwhelmingly distracting in a very negative way. The energy that could be used to bring happiness is now preoccupied with an internal fight against a pair of painful shoes.
It's my new mission to buy shoes that fit and feel good, pants that are made for women and not teenagers, and to help anyone I can find their own path to comfort, too. When your clothes feel good, you feel good, and feeling good makes you beautiful. <3
Here's a sweet, wonderful video about finding your own style: