To "Bernie or Bust" Advocates: Please, Don't
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To "Bernie or Bust" Advocates: Please, Don't

Bernie Sanders is not a god and he is not our last hope.

To "Bernie or Bust" Advocates: Please, Don't
The Amazing Atheist

Bernie Sanders supporters are known to be very passionate for their favorite candidate of this cycle. As a Sanders supporter, I can say that sometimes my fellow Americans who are "feeling the Bern" are sometimes near the point of idolatry when it comes to our favorite social democrat with a Brooklyn accent and a blunt, serious personality.

Maybe I am a part of this camp of idolizing him too much as well. I cannot help but smile when he makes his silly jokes, I get so excited when he takes a one-liner jab at Hillary Clinton in debates, and I love listening to his speeches. I, too, may be a part of the cult mentality of Sanders supporters. He has influenced me and has given me hope. He has given me the 2008 Barack Obama charm.

However, I know when to take off my rose-tinted glasses. I know that, no matter how much I love Sanders and no matter how terribly I want him in the Oval Office, I cannot will his success alone. I know that Clinton has advantages over him. I know that there are flaws in his proposed policies and in his rhetoric. I know that he may not be able to get a lot done as president. I know that foreign policy is important nowadays and that he does not focus on it enough. I know that, no matter how much I would hate it and no matter how sad I would be, I may have to settle for Hillary Clinton in the general election.

Fourteen percent of Democrats refuse to vote for anyone but Sanders. This is part of a sub-movement with the community of Sanders supporters called "Bernie or Bust." It is part of the idea that people are tired and that they do not want to have to "settle" for a candidate or "vote for the lesser of two evils." It is a facet of the collective sigh of frustration among Americans towards the political establishment. It is also a reaction to the media and Democratic National Committee favoring Clinton and giving her an advantage via media attention and superdelegates. TJ Kirk, a YouTuber under the name "The Amazing Atheist" on YouTube who is known for his impassioned anger and frequent cursing and vulgarity, recently uploaded a video on the matter titled, "Hey Democrats, It's Bernie or Bust!"

"And if you are an establishment Democrat and you wanna see Hillary Clinton take office, just know the Bernie supporters--a lot of them--are not gonna be on your side. I know for a fact that a lot of us, if it comes down to Hillary versus Trump, we're gonna abstain or, worse yet, we'll vote for f*ckin' Trump. 'Cause, you know what? If you're so stupid that you're gonna nominate Hillary Clinton, you deserve to f*cking lose."

One Facebook group called "BERNIE OR BUST" has in its description:

"This is for people who support Bernie Sanders with no compromise . I do NOT go soft on pointing out Hillary hypocrisies. I make a point of pointing out the vast differences between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The slogan VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO is not welcome in this group. This is for hard-core Bernie Sanders supporters, this is for people who want an economic and political revolution."

I have fears for the outcome of the general election if Sanders does not get the nomination. Clinton loses to Republicans by smaller margins than he does and she even loses to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in some cases. Sanders is seen as more favorable, despite seeming to be less popular. Donald Trump has exhibited a higher general favorability rating among registered Republicans than Clinton does among registered Democrats. I fear that, with the amount of Sanders supporters who are vowing to not vote in the case of a Clinton nomination, it will lead to the disruption of the Democratic party.

Now, I am no fan of party politics, but that is what we have in this country and it is what we must endure. However, the new wave of ideology that Sanders brings to the Democratic party is not the only slap in the face of the establishment that American political parties are experiencing. The Republican party's leading candidates advocate for the deportation of Mexicans, the banning of Muslims, the banning of gay marriage, the establishment of a Christian theocracy, the carpet-bombing of suspected ISIS territories, the murder of innocent people who happen to be related to terrorists, the cutting of the IRS, the Department of Education, the EPA, the Department of Education, the Department of Education, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the banning of abortions, and the denial of climate change. I fear the effects of a Trump, Cruz, or Rubio presidency much more strongly than I despise having to settle for Hillary Clinton.

I want President Sanders dearly. I do. However, I must pick my battles. With the revolution that Sanders has championed, the ideas that he has helped spread, and the excitement that he has given American people, we will get our demolition of money in politics soon. If it's not in this election, then it will be in the next. Besides, the executive branch is not the only part of the government that citizens have a hand in changing. Money in politics is most effective in the legislative branch, and Congressional elections are imminent. In 2014, the midterm elections had the lowest voter turnout since World War II. Bernie Sanders is a good man who gives us hope, but he is not a god. He is not our last hope. There is a future and we can decide it.

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