Twelve months out of the year and yet, everyone seems to gravitate towards October. Why? Could it be that there is so much celebration going on? We have Oktoberfest, birthdays (count nine months before October and you'll find out what special holiday is creating so many birthdays), special events and right now we have presidential debates! Maybe it's the change in the weather that gravitates people toward this month, just getting over allergies as the cold breeze sets in. It could just be one huge coincidence! Here are six reasons why October is so lovable.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
The top reason why October is so near and dear to so many people. This month is filled with fundraisers, walks/runs, and the occasional pink hair. It’s a time designated to acknowledge all those who have or are currently fighting this unfair battle and to remember those who lost the fight. Dress pink, buy pink and GO PINK to support all those lovely ladies and men whose lives have been effected. Let’s find a cure.
It’s fall, AKA sweater weather
Ladies, put those booty shorts away and whip out your jeans and vests! Tis the season for a little more clothing and a lot less skin. For many this is the season they can’t wait for. So many sweaters to wear, so many boots to buy, so little time! Once the winter rolls around than we will all be hiding under six layers of shirts and one massive coat on top. Goodbye
to looking cute and hello to staying warm. There’s justno time for effort in the winter so show off all those trendy clothes now, while you can!
This trend in taste is spreading like wild fire! Thanks Wawa, Dunkin Donuts and many others for never letting us forget that you have pumpkin spice flavored EVERYTHING. We only are blessed with this flavor from late September to middle November so ladies, stock up. Once it’s gone, it’s gone until next season. How do we even survive without it?
Pumpkin picking
Grab your flannels, jeans and high boots because it’s about that time to head over to the pumpkin patch for a great photo-shoot with your friends. Yeah, we all know that it is a good time to go pick a pumpkin but let’s be real, mostly everyone is in it for the picture. Unless you’re an avid pumpkin carver and if that’s the case, please send me your information because for some reason my jack lantern always turns out looking like one big circle out of the pumpkin.
Who doesn’t love a day where you can dress up and be someone completely different? Vampires, zombies, cats, all of our favorite creatures and for a day we get to be them. (Not to mention all the candy that goes along with the holiday). For college students, this one day turns into a weekend of festivities! So many different costumes and so many different people to collaborate with. If you don’t think we take it just as seriously as the youngsters than you are completely wrong. We dress to impress our fellow classmates with the best costumes.
Halloween Town
Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not know what Halloween Town is I am going to need you to take a personal day and watch all of them. Nothing says Halloween like Marny trying to fight off evil. How could they just switch her in the last movie and expect us loyal fan base not to care? To the OG Marny, we miss you!