Tips To An Ambitious Freshman | The Odyssey Online
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Tips To An Ambitious Freshman

Coming from an ambitious sophomore.

Tips To An Ambitious Freshman

Succeed academically

Achieving and maintaining a high GPA is extremely important because not only can it get you on that all-important "Dean’s List" (which looks beautiful on résumés), but it will also catch your teacher’s attention (whose importance you’ll find in the next tip). And remember, you are at college to learn and you’ll learn the course’s curriculum by putting effort into assignments, reading all assigned articles, going to and participating in class, and not waiting until the last minute to complete an assignment. After all, knowledge is power, and what does someone with ambition love more than power?

Befriend teachers

Befriending your teachers is vital for ambitious students, for several reasons. Besides being the ones who grade your work, professors offer tutoring outside of class (boosting that GPA), and will become useful when you need a letter of recommendation. Earning a teacher’s favor is easier than it sounds. All it really requires is that you turn in all of your assignments (all of which should be top-notch), show up to class on time, and definitely participate in class (meaning taking notes, maintaining eye contact with your teacher, asking questions, and NO CELL PHONES). However, if you really want a teacher’s favor, visit them during office hours and ask questions. They may even offer to read one of your papers and provide feedback before you turn it in for a grade! Having teachers as allies is not only a great way to succeed in an academic setting but also in the professional world! Teachers and their colleagues in academia have bountiful connections, which will prove useful when you are job/internship searching. Befriending teachers is a key step to any ambitious freshman and a huge step for academic success!

Join in

Perhaps the most rewarding step, this is for those power-hungry freshmen who can’t wait to be in charge and demonstrate their leadership skills. This step is the most significant to freshmen because right now is the optimal time to join clubs, especially those that you can see yourself leading in the next few years. So join in a few clubs, see which one or two you really like and can see yourself leading, and dedicate yourself to those one or two clubs. I’m talking attending most, if not all events, running for board positions, asking for more ways to get involved, promoting your club on social media, and befriending the club’s executive board. Ask what else you can do to help, e-mail the club’s board with questions or comments, follow the club on social media, anything that will show those who run it now that you are a competent, dedicated member. Most, if not all, college clubs' and organizations' executive boards have been members since freshman year and worked their way up to the top. Becoming involved in a club you like and can see yourself running is a key step; not only will you be able to put it as a leadership experience on your résumé, you will no doubt be dealing with the administration of your school and opening the door to several noteworthy connections you could make.

Get social

Yes, although seemingly unnecessary and time-wasteful to the ambitious freshman, it is an important step to socialize with your classmates. While you are unconsciously (or consciously) thinking that every one of them is your rival and a roadblock in your rise to power, you need to befriend them (and remember their names)! Think of it as networking. The more you know, the better. Some could prove useful to you in the future! So don’t spend your Friday and Saturday nights locked in your dorm room studying! Get out and meet some new people!

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