12 Ways To Handle Anxiety In College, As Best You Can
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12 Ways To Handle Anxiety In College, As Best You Can

Anxiety is hard to manage, but not impossible to manage.

12 Ways To Handle Anxiety In College, As Best You Can

Having anxiety can be somewhat of a nightmare.

It's like having a little person in the back of you head that makes everything negative, makes you terrified of basically everything, and second guesses every little thing you do. Adding the stresses of university only intensifies the insanity that goes through your brain all day long. My first year balancing university, and my anxiety was somewhat of a disaster, and I would love to help anyone that may be going through what I did.

So, I have a few tips and suggestions to help you healthily handle your anxiety without having to take too much time away from other responsibilities.

1. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish.

I found that if I make a color coded list of things I need to do it's much less overwhelming than letting it clutter my mind. Taking the time to write it all out and put it somewhere you can see it helps a lot more than you would think. If it helps more, list them by importance and add a rough estimate of how much time each thing could take. The structure of it all will calm things down.

2. Do not wait until the last minute and tackle everything at once.

Once you have your list established, start to work through the list at a steady pace. The list is a guide to keep you organized and much less stressed. Don't just make the list and then ignore it. It makes you more anxious and totally defeats the purpose.

3. Make friends.

I am very aware that a lot of people that saw this one essentially went, "Hahaha, make friends. That's a good one." I know making friends when you have anxiety is like climbing a Everest, but once you actually do and you start making plans with them, things will get a little better. I know personally that getting all of my work done and then being alone with my thoughts or doing work for an excessive amount of time makes me more anxious than social interaction. Make plans, go out for ice cream or watch a movie with friends. It will give you a chance to calm your nerves and forget your worries for a few hours before getting back to business.

4. Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies.

It is extremely cliche to say for you to go get a hobby. With that said, its extremely important that you do have one. Find something that you actually enjoy doing (aside from avoiding the world and watching Netflix), and go do it. Art, writing, start a blog, join a choir, or learn to play an instrument. The possibilities are endless. The worst thing for someone with anxiety to do is sit around with nothing to do. You will over think yourself into an anxiety induced shame spiral and no one wants that.

5. Call your parents.

You are an adult, and you can't call your parents for everything. However, there is nothing a phone call to your mom or dad can't fix. Even if it's just you crying and complaining, they listen, the offer solutions, and best of all they offer unconditional love and support. That's all anyone really needs, right?

6. Exercise.

Sweat it out! Go for a walk or a run. Do some yoga. Go to your local fitness center and punch the crap out of a punching bag. Physical exertion is extremely helpful when it comes to curbing symptoms of anxiety. Physical and mental well-being go hand in hand so once you start physically feeling relieved, your mind will feel it too.

7. Stop eating so much junk.

This kind of goes hand in hand with the last one. Eat better and you will feel better physically and mentally. Let go of you Mountain Dew, Doritos, and whatever other god awful junk food and caffeine you're sticking in your face. Try some fruit snacks or fruit in general.

8. Try to learn your triggers and work with them.

If it's social interaction, don't go to parties or events that may seem too overwhelming, but don't avoid social settings all together. If it's feeling like every assignment or everything in general needs to be perfect, accept the fact that it never will be. Nothing is perfect and you will drive yourself up a wall trying to make it perfect. Just do your best.

9. Release the feeling of needing to be in control.

Because anxiety is something wildly beyond your control, it's very common for people to want to control literally everything else in order to feel stable, but you cannot control everything. Life is messy and unpredictable. Don't let that make you insane. Plan as much as you can, but also leave room for error. You're only human.

10. Find other people dealing with the same issues as you.

Having a support system is great. Having a support system that knows exactly what you're dealing with is even better. The advice will be great because they probably have been in the same situation before, and it's healthy for everyone involved to help each other like that. It's also a great reminder that you are not alone.

11. Realize that doing things by yourself is totally OK, too.

While friends are helpful, they can also be overwhelming. Taking time to grab lunch by yourself can be a huge relief sometimes. It's not insulting to your friends, and it doesn't mean that you don't need them, but time alone can be a good thing.

12. Last, but far from the least, locate your campus counseling center or mental health center.

Those people are literally certified to help you. They will not think you're insane. They will willingly provide you with guidance and solutions that you'd never even thought about, but make sure you see them before you become desperate for help. By that point, you're just going because you have to, and you're not going to get the help you actually need.

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