Working out is hard. There's no question about that, but nothing good ever comes easy. Sometimes it's hard to feel motivated, to actually get up and go. But once you actually go, you can't deny that you feel better.
It's that instant "ah-ha" when you feel proud of yourself, you feel relax, you feel like you can do anything. Now, before you get to that moment, these are a few of the thoughts that go through your head.
1. Pumping yourself up before.
Any good workout needs a good pump up. Whether it's a pep talk or you go-to jam, you have to get yourself in the zone before you break a sweat.
2. Actually getting ready.
Now, at times even the pump up might not get you going, so putting the workout clothes on is always a step in the right direction. At the very least you'll feel sporty.
3. Having a slight apprehension about going.
Unless your pump up did wonders and you're feeling really motivated, you might have a slight timidness about going. The should I, shouldn't I creeps up, but always go with you should.
4. Arriving and going right to your go-to machine.
Once you actually arrive you are in the zone. And naturally, you go to what you're comfortable with. Your go-to favorite machine is waiting with your name on it and you're about to kill it.
5. The rare occasion you find it taken and have to change plans.
Oh, the dreaded moment when the machine you were so set on is being used by someone else and there are no others available. You have to reluctantly find another, but keep your spirits high because either way, you're going to have a great workout.
6. Hoping on and acting like you're pro.
Sometimes you know what you're doing and sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. If you know what you're doing, awesome. Good for you. If you don't know what you're doing that's ok. Just take a deep breath, start out slow and you'll be a pro in no time.
7. Then you actually start working out.
You start out easy but before you know it you're more than halfway through and doing great. And you'll be surprised with how much you actually like it.
8. You try not to appear as winded as you are.
Yes, you're doing amazing sweetie. But you're also really tired, your sweating and you're face is bright red. But like I said before, fake it until you make it and power through this workout.
9. Pushing yourself to go another 10 minutes.
You've already done 25. What's another 10 minutes now? You can do it.
10. Getting off and trying to regain your breath.
You did it! Now just try to breath deep so you don't pass out. That would not be a good way to finish this workout.
11. Leaving and feeling good about yourself because you just did that.
The gym high is a real thing. When you leave, you just feel great. You head is clear, you don't feel stressed, you can be proud of yourself.
12. Sleep and then repeat.
Going once is a great accomplishment, yes. But doing it again. And then again. And again. Now that is what you want to do.
Getting your body up and moving is so important, we all know that. But it can be hard sometimes to get motivated and get going. Just know that it's ok to struggle and feel out of place at first. The important thing is you try.
One step at a time. You can do it.