As one of my favorite reality shows, "The Bachelorette," is winding down to the top five potential husbands for JoJo, the drama continues to speed up. These days the more I watch, the more thoughts I have about what goes on. Right now I don’t really know who my heart is settled on. Maybe Jordan, maybe Luke, probably neither. However, as the season is coming to an end, I figured it would be fun to document my thoughts as I go through these next two hours. I would love for you to watch last week's episode with me as you read this, just to help you relate.
For those of you who don’t follow the show, please just enjoy my frustration and enjoyment while I watch JoJo fail at finding love on this season of "The Bachelorette."
1. OK, here we go...
2. TBH I would go on this show just to travel the world. Like Buenos Aires for free, I am in!
3. Traveling is the “funniest” thing about this? OK Jojo.
4. How many times do you think they film her walking into this hotel room?
5. I’m gonna say 20.
6. “I actually feel really good.” That’s nice, JoJo. I’m glad 28 guys fighting for you is good times.
7. Mentions Ben again. LOL
8. I have a group of eight guys is screaming my name in the middle of Argentina, too.
9. Everyone is so stressed about this two on one date.This is not do or die, boys.
10. Jordan, you’re hot but totally in this because you’re a failed NFL quarterback.
11. And you’re not your brother.
12. “This hotel, definitely five stars.” Yes, Chase, that would make sense. You’re sponsored by ABC.
13. Wells, you may have not gotten the one on one date yet because you are a radio DJ.
14. Date card is out.
15. Wells gets the one on one.
16. Jojo asks him to kiss her.
17. Awkward.
18. Awkward.
19. Shut up, Robby. You’re a little too feminine for me.
20. And by a “little,” I mean a lot.
21. Thank you, Luke, for making this whole thing more awkward.
22. I’m honestly cringing.
23. Robby is also high-key too concerned with them kissing.
24. Like, everything is going to be fine. Promise.
25. Wells, she’s waiting to be kissed. And you’re just staring. You’re making us all feel so weird.
26. Can we go over the creepy people swimming above them. Who came up with this date? LMK.
27. This is not romantic literally at all.
28. I feel like Evan would enjoy this. Miss you, Evan.
29. Why did they just high five? Why did they just kiss on the cheek? Make this stop please.
30. The group of guys gossiping in a circle reminds me too much of "The View." They should have their own talk show,“Guys from the Bachelorette.” I’d only watch if Chad was on it, though.
31. "There’s something so sexy about this date.” “It’s dark, and there’s water, and there’s sliding." To me, it sounds like someone’s being drowned in the ocean, but hey, just me.
32. Bye Wells.
33. “May the best connection win.” Derek, you’re creepy.
34. Jojo you have to stop crying. Can’t marry them all. Also, you’re not supposed to finish the date alone. Get it together ASAP.
35. Group dates are so awkward.
36. Robby, “Former Competitive Swimmer” is not an occupation.
37, James Taylor, stop saying that you think the other guys are perfect and you’re not. We get it. Let it go.
38. Playing soccer in jeans—not that easy.
39. James keep complaining. We’re so interested in what you have to say. We know you’re gonna be the only one to score.
40. Staged!
41. Just saying, the people of Argentina definitely think Jojo is a sloot. Five boyfriends, same.
42. Oh God, Luke. You’re too deep for me.
43. Jojo is seductively touching Luke. Where did this come from?
44. Luke’s deep sigh with the Spanish music in the background. Make this stop.
45. That escalated way too quickly.
46. Way too close up. Fast forward.
47. Does he not find it weird that she makes out with six different guys a day?
48. TBH, why do none of them think it’s weird?
49. James, Jordan may definitely be cocky, but just because he plays Poker differently than you. You don’t have to tattle tail on him.
50. Is this a real discussion? You are grown men.
51. Jordan, so awkward with confrontation.
52. This is so awkward, OMG.
53. Where is Chad? He at least caused real drama.
54. Obviously Luke gets this rose. Predictable.
55. What is this tango dance? I’ll tell you what it is—painful.
56. Derek is a little too obsessed. Definitely gotta go. Creeping me out.
57. Aw, he’s so in love.
58. Bye, Derek. Stop crying. Ugh.
59. Jordan wins her over yet again.
60. She really does kiss everyone.
61. Remember when Wells didn’t kiss her until today? Good times.
62. One rose left, two guys. Drama.
63. Why is she running away dramatically? What is running away going to solve? Where are you going? Like, obviously done for dramatic effect.
64. Will she send James or Alex home? Or both?
65. Definitely sending both guys home. James complained too much today, and Alex is kinda irrelevant so I’m OK with that.
66. She is crying again. This is getting good! JK!
67. They’re both staying. So lame. Got me all sweaty for nothing.
68. The previews for next week always get me so excited.
69. This dumb catty boy drama.
70. Jojo crying over everything.
71. Robby being feminine.
72. This show is so bad. But so good.
73. I definitely should not be this invested in a reality TV show, but hey, it happens to the best of us.
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