'The Bachelorette' Explained In 11 Photos
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'The Bachelorette' Explained In 11 Photos

You'll never look at these things the same way again.

'The Bachelorette' Explained In 11 Photos
The Bachelorette

Now that I've had some time to fully digest the absurdity of this summer's season of The Bachelorette, I thought I would compile a little list to summarize what I took away from the drama. The basic concept behind the show is quite simple—one woman simultaneously dates many men in an attempt to find true love—but in practice it quickly becomes more complex. There are rules broken, exceptions made, physical fights fought, and many a tear shed. Whether or not you actually believe this show has merit (personally, I'm in the latter camp), the following 11 photos are sure to scream The Bachelorette.

1. World Globe

Forget JoJo—being on this show is worth it simply for the traveling! These men had the opportunity to visit Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, Uruguay, Argentina and Thailand. Check those amazing destinations off their bucket lists!

2. Protein Powder

There's only one name that could possibly be associated with this: Chad. When he wasn't chowing on some meat, flexing his muscles, or being overly aggressive with the other guys, you can be sure that he was consuming as much protein powder as possible. (Personally, I feel as though he was more in love with his muscles than he ever was with JoJo, but that's just me.)

3. Unicorns

For some inexplicable reason, JoJo seems to have an infatuation with unicorns. On the previous season of The Bachelor she first met Ben wearing a unicorn hat, and then Luke first met her while riding in on a white horse—complete with a unicorn horn, of course. Perhaps JoJo is onto something...

4. Date Cards

Date cards are one infamous component of the show that viewers will not soon forget. With their cheesy lines and accompanying suspenseful tension, they're sure to have scarred a few of the men as well.

5. Glass of Wine

Is it just me, or do these people seem to drink more alcohol than the characters in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises? (Believe me—that’s an impressive feat to accomplish!)

6. Dramatic Evening Gowns

What's that? No, JoJo isn't on her way to her high school prom; however, she does wear a remarkable number of gorgeous dresses over the course of the show. Never mind the men—I just want her wardrobe!

7. Tissues

JoJo is nothing if not reliable, at least when it comes to crying. It seems as though this lovesick star cried in nearly every episode, most notably towards the end of the season. If I had a dollar for every tear she shed over the course of the show, I'm sure I would finally be liberated from all of my student debt.

8. Tabloid Magazines

As shown numerous times in this recent season, the “real world” can have a powerful impact on the show via tabloids. With so many rumors floating around Robby’s ex-girlfriend and Jordan’s famous brother, it’s a wonder that JoJo was able to make a decision at all!

9. Mini Vans

It seems as though the men were always sent home from one-on-one dates in some sort of mini van, most likely to accommodate all of the crew members that recorded the teary departures. Next time you climb into the back of your mom’s van, be grateful that a camera isn’t staring you in the face reminding you that an enormous audience is now watching you sob hysterically. (I’m looking at you, Derek.)

10. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins

Did the producers of The Bachelorette initially set out to create a high pressure, "survival of the fittest" atmosphere within the Bachelor Mansion? Probably. Even if they didn't, such an intense competition is sure to remind anyone of this young adult dystopian novel. The men might not actually be fighting to the death, but sometimes it seems like it comes pretty close...

11. Roses

Ah, the rose. This passionate flower perfectly encapsulates the show: beautiful at times, often thorny and always dramatic.

And don’t even get me started on Bachelor in Paradise…

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