For some, leaving college is a breeze. Their parents come and move them out within two hours of arriving and only fill up a handful of boxes. For others, like me, moving out of college is a full-on production with numerous boxes, containers, suitcases and duffle bags. It spans multiple days and requires lots of tape, tears and garbage bags.
The emotions of packing up your life into small boxes comes in various waves and in different stages. Some moments you're happy, and proud of your evolving accomplishment. Others moments you may fall to the floor covered in tape, questioning how you accumulated so much stuff. For me, my moving experience goes a bit like this:
•Assess the situation by dividing everything nicely. I can do this orderly.
•Okay, this isn't so bad. I've got this. Now lets build the boxes.
•Oh wow, okay this is noisy, sorry neighbors! I only have five more to tape.
•Great, got my boxes, and got everything organized. Let's pack!
•Wait, how is my clothes box already half full. I'm only a quarter of the way through....
•Roll the clothes up, it'll make them wrinkled but you've only got so many boxes.
•Okay, clothes: check. Now lets pack my desk.
•Boom! All done. I'm getting good at this.
•Wait, why can't I move this box. I can't even push it.
•UGH. It's those stupid books. It's okay, I've got this. Divide it up and conquer.
•Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Moving on.
•Third box: check! Wow I'm killing this packing game, and I now know every work to Lemonade and Views.
•Wait, where did this container filled with things come, no no! I swear I've never seen this before.
•It's okay, you've got this. *cries* *calls friend* *takes a Netflix break*
•"Don't worry, Mom, my suitcase is 60 pounds and I have a full duffle bag and a backpack for the train tomorrow but I got everything into the boxes."
•*Thinks about pushing all of this through a packed train station during peak season*