As a woman, there is an overwhelming amount of caution that has been instilled into our thought process for fear of the worse. Too often we hear stories of harassment, assault, rape and murder perpetrated toward women. Although I do not want to make hasty generalizations, I would be lying if I did not say males were to be held responsible for this.
As a woman living in a first world nation, you would think I would be able to do simple, daily tasks without feeling debilitated for the pure fact of how (some) men view women. In what follows, are all thoughts women have or what women have been told; whether it be from a parent, a friend or a shared Facebook thread we have read online. This is our reality.
1. Do not walk by yourself at night.
2. Try to be in at least a group of three.
3. Avoid parking garages.
4. Avoid parking lots.
5. Just avoid dimly lit places in general.
But those places can be dangerous during the day too so be aware of your surroundings.
6. Check your car before you get in it.
Also, I read that you should not sit in your car but instead lock the doors and drive off as soon as possible to avoid being attacked.
7. Be sure to take your pepper spray with you. You would not want to be in a situation without it.
8. Have you ever thought about buying a taser?
9. Ignore the cat-callers, even if you want to defend yourself by talking back, do not escalate the situation.
10. My friend once wore a fake engagement ring to ward off unwanted male attention. Maybe you should try that out.
11. Make sure your phone is fully charged in case of an emergency.
12. Text me the address in case something bad happens and I have to come get you or call the police.
13. Have you heard of that new app? It alerts the authorities in case of assault. You should download it.
14. Never leave your drink lying around.
Maybe you should get that nail polish that changes color in case something is slipped into your cup, just to be safe.
15. Do not drink too much.
If you are drunk a guy might try to take advantage of you.
16. If things get bad you can always call me and I will come and get you.
17. If not take an Uber.
Make sure you check that the license plate and picture match the Uber, though. I have heard reports of drivers assaulting women. You should be fine, though.
18. If you decide to walk, do not take the direct route home in case someone is following you.
If you think someone is following you go into a public place for a while until you think it is safe to leave.