Thermal Paper Slitter | The Odyssey Online
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Thermal Paper Slitter

The wide range of thermal paper slitter that is precisely designed and constructed to meet the standards that effectively meet the requirements of fax roll are manufactured and offered by our company. The thermal paper slitter offered by LOYAL, one of the most professional slitting machine manufacturers is improved with razor cutter arrangement, and it can slit up to 50 mm width.

This machine made by our company has a high speed, and it even can up to max 240 mpm. This thermal & plain paper can be cut from 40 GSM-200 GSM with fine edge finishing with this thermal paper cutting machine. The rolls are slit and the machine on a single shaft (like 5-8 rolls in single shaft) and both of them will separate easily. This machine is very efficient for fast production. 60,000-70,000 paper can be cut a thousand meters in 8 hours by this outstanding machine.
The application of this kind of machine is various, such as we can use it for thermal paper roll, atm roll, and post polls etc. We have been successfully Manufacturing, and we support all types of thermal paper slitting machine.
Here are some special features of this thermal paper slitter produced by our company, such as it has a sturdy frame, excellent output, fully automatic operations, and when it dries, it has less noise. And it has a PLC drive touchscreen control panel, rotary cutters, huge production, nip roller with pneumatic cylinders, and the finest cutting.
This kind of thermal paper slitter can slit all types of material like plastic, paper, flexible packaging, PVC, aluminum foil, stretch film, LDPE film, BOPP film, BOPP tape, OPP, METPET, pet film, OPA, non-woven fabric, textile cloth, nylon fabric, microtape, coated paper, Ice cream cup paper, fax roll, laminated film, cling film, duct tape, mask tape, rubber, tarpaulin, tube, etc. And it can make us the most experienced manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of thermal paper slitter.

Ruian Loyal Machinery Co, Ltd., is a professional slitter machine manufacturers, we provide slitter rewinder machine, thermal paper slitter rewinder, thermal paper roll slitting machine, Loyal high speed slitting machine and etc. Want to know more? Please contact us.

Thermal Paper Slitter

The wide range of thermal paper slitter that is precisely designed and constructed to meet the standards that effectively meet the requirements of fax roll are manufactured and offered by our company.

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