The Unheard Women In America
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The Unheard Women In America

They are left out of both sides of the argument.

The Unheard Women In America

I currently am a volunteer at First Choice Women's Medical Center in Montgomery, AL as a counselor. We provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and other services for women who are dealing with a crisis pregnancy. A crisis pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the woman involved did not plan nor desire the pregnancy, making it a personal crisis for her. Women come into our center from all ages and backgrounds and have completely different stories. We try our best to help them understand all the options. We make sure that they know all of the risks if they are considering abortion as an option, yet we still try to be understanding because they have just heard the biggest, and sometimes what they feel is the worst, news of their life. It is here that I realized there is an untold story of the women in America. They are not advocated for by liberals or conservatives and they are almost always left on their own. This is the untold story of the girl who got an abortion. She most likely goes on with her life and doesn't tell anyone. If someone were to find out, they would be surprised and that's why she doesn't tell. But inside, she is dealing with something much greater and there is no one there to help her.

After the case of "Roe v. Wade," the American government has been silent on abortion. This case says abortion is legal in the first trimester, and the second and third are left up for the states to regulate. This has left each state with abortion regulations all across the spectrum. Some states restrict abortion after the first trimester and the women must have ultrasounds, counseling, etc. to receive the abortion. Other states have simply no restrictions at all. The lack of government response to this issue has created an untold story of women all across our nation that deal with terrible grief, anxiety and depression that no one ever hears about. No one is willing to listen to them. The liberals advocate for "women's right to choose," but how dare that woman say that she is struggling with problems after? The conservatives advocate for the unborn child, but also don't do much to help the millions of women who did decide to have an abortion.

I often hear the term all women are entitled to a "safe and legal abortion." There is no such thing. With lack of government responses to this issue, women who decide to get an abortion are not given a safe procedure. They go into shady clinics with shady doctors who make fortunes off these women who are greatly damaged in the process. This is why at First Choice we make sure that women know what they are going into before they make their final decision. There are many health risks. For one, most abortionists do not have hospital rights. Therefore, if a woman has complications and is bleeding out during the procedure, the clinic must first call 911 and have an ambulance come to get them because they do not have the right to fix the complication. According to Ramah International, women are susceptible to blood cots, puncture or tear of the uterus, pelvic infections, scar tissue, and an incomplete abortion. With future pregnancy, women could have vaginal bleeding during delivery, placenta problems, and low birth weight (

However, this to me is not the saddest part. The most terrible and disgusting problem with abortion is that women walk out of the clinic with absolutely no idea what kind of emotional and psychological state they are going to be in. Most of them never tell anyone what they went through, but if they do, our culture does not make it okay for them to feel like they made a mistake. They are supposed to tell the world how great and empowering it is to have an abortion. On the other hand, conservatives view these women as terrible people and offer them no help either. Of women who have had an abortion, 55% expressed guilt, 50% expressed sexual dysfunction, 44% have nervous disorders, 31% regret their decision, and 33% have an intense longing to have another child. These women have no one to care for them or help them and they are still unheard.

Since our government has failed to answer the question of how to help these women, their numbers continue to grow. As of today, there is no such thing as a legal and safe abortion and these women have nowhere to get help after the fact. Our culture has made these women feel that they cannot reach out to anyone to get help or even have their voice heard. If you support abortion, know that as of right now, it is not safe and it is causing women so much damage. If you do not support abortion and believe life begins at conception (and I am with you), know that there are women who are hurting and damaged in the process. It is our job to make sure their stories are heard.

If you are have had an abortion and experienced these side effects, please know that it is okay to talk to someone. There are doctors, counselors and family members who will talk to you. You do not have to and cannot do this alone. I believe that you are loved by more than just people, but a Creator loves you beyond words. Please know that while we may be few, people do know your story and we hurt for you.

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