I love YouTube. In high school, working my way through a dozen YouTube videos was my most effective stress reliever. More recently, I haven’t had as much time to spend *cough* waste… but I’ve still gotten to revel in my fair share of heartwarming and heeheelarious content!
I also really enjoy kids and their raw perspective on life. Some kiddos have impeccable wit and others have the most unique timing to their emotions and tantrums. They can be a complete joy and total dread within the span of a half hour! This is a recipe for quite an entertaining scene, and luckily, parents and bystanders have captured some of these on film.
I could never recreate for you all the "HA!’s" and "Awww’s" that I’ve experienced from the many hours spent enjoying funny videos, but here is my attempt at bringing you some of my all-time favorites. To narrow my choices, I’m focusing on just tots. Even if you’ve seen them already, treat yo’self again!
1. Kittens—Inspired By: Kittens!
My absolute favorite: a little girl narrator and a kitty-cat book—I’m not sure which is better! What a beautiful display of numerous kitten pictures and the creativity of a child!!
2. Lil Girl Werqin It to "Respect"
Mmm, the sass in this little girl is infectious! Doesn’t she just make you wanna snap yo’ fingers in a Z-formation? I also love the proud supporter behind the camera! I wonder if that’s who she picked up that sass from?
3. PS22 Chorus Sings "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" to Influential Educator
This elementary school chorus sings with angelic voices in support of their teacher. Grab the tissues, you're gonna need them.
4. Baby Emotes with Singing Mother
On the same musical note, this baby resonates with her crooning mom. This video is my go-to when I feel a build-up of emotion that needs relieving. This lil "monkey" helps me let it all out!
5) British Big Brother
This wide-eyed British tyke is ADORABLE in this sweet moment caught on tape. His infectious support of the new addition to the family is inspiring! I sure hope there is a sequel with him holding his little baby sibling, with mom smiling down on both of them.
6) Ice Cream Truck Brothers
Mom’s careful watch through the lens of her camcorder really pays off in this funny clip. To the viewers who laugh at this: You're welcome. To those who wince: Eh, builds character.
7) Little Boy Fishes with Toy Rod
I have fond memories of catching my first fish. My brother, uncle, and I put it in a little bucket of water and just watched it freak out for a while. This video includes excitement tenfold! "That's how a man holds it," says big sister. Now that's a Fish Story!
Besides the smiles, laughs, and tears from these videos, they also teach lessons of being good parents, friends and individuals. Like that tap dancing girl, we should let loose once in a while. Like the chorus and the emotional baby, we should be generous and kindly transparent with our feelings. And above all, like the British brother, we should be supportive and beautifully, excitedly, abundantly loving.