Podcasts are an extremely underutilized means to educate yourself on a whole host of topics. Most people think that podcasts were this thing that popped up with the first iPods and quickly died out. The podcast industry, however, is alive and kicking, and Especially when it comes to the topics of health and fitness. As a college student, I do a lot of walking, 50 miles most weeks according to my Fitbit. When you add it up, that is a lot of time walking. A long time ago, I made the decision to use that time to try to get better instead of just listening to music. Podcasts were the means by which I would accomplish this, and I discovered dozens of fitness related topics that I love.
Mark Bell PowerCast
Hosted by high caliber powerlifter Mark Bell and his sidekicks Silent Mike and Jim McD, the Mark Bell "PowerCast" takes an unconventional and often hilarious approach to talking about fitness. Mark Bell’s brother Chris was the director of one of the best fitness documentaries in existence, “Bigger, Faster, Stronger," and Mark owns the Super Training Gym in Sacramento. Their guests frequently include some of the top powerlifters in the world, but they have been known to interview top level bodybuilders or strongmen from time to time. The PowerCast is great because it is easy to listen to. Priceless words of wisdom are sandwiched between inappropriate jokes and guests frequently having to describe in detail their best poop story.
My Top Picks: Brian Shaw Interview, Furious Pete Interview, CT Fletcher Interview, 3DMJ Interview
Joe DeFranco Industrial Strength Show
This is a great podcast if you are in the personal training or strength and conditioning world and are trying to learn about a specific topic from one of the best. Joe DeFranco trains everyone from NFL football players to WWE Superstars. DeFranco breaks down the practical side of training but isn’t afraid to get technical. His focus is on athleticism and sports performance. Some episodes may go over the head of the casual listener, but more dedicated lifters can grow in leaps and bounds listening to what he and his guests have to say.
My Top Picks: Anything on Stoicism, Wim Hoff Interview, Patrick Arnold Interview
Generation Iron Podcast 
The "Generation Iron Podcast" is relatively new in the field of fitness podcasts, but it is interesting because it is hosted by Kai Greene, one of the current top bodybuilders in the world. Each week, Kai and his co-host Krystal break down topics in the bodybuilding news and answer training-related questions. Although they can often become sidetracked and go on tangents, the podcast is worth a listen to just to be able to hear advice straight from the mouth of one of the best in the game.
My Top Picks: Is Bodybuilding Healthy? (#10), Bigorexia (#3), Ins-and-Outs of Judging (#8)
Physique Science Radio'
"Physique Science Radio" which is hosted by Dr. Layne Norton and jam-packed with scientific advice related to both training and nutrition. After listening to more casual interviews, it is nice to hear Dr. Norton and his guests really hammer down into the science behind a lot of concepts. The episodes regarding diet and nutrition are especially worth listening to because they are topics that not very many other podcasts tend to cover.
My Top Pick: Eric Helms Interview (#27), Entrepreneurship in the Fitness Industry (#25), Blood Flow Restriction Training (#7), Reverse Dieting (#5)
Ben Greenfield Fitness
Ben Greenfield is unique from the other podcasts that I listen to because he primarily competes as an endurance athlete. Whereas most other shows are hosted by bodybuilders, powerlifters, Olympic lifters, or other coaches focus on power and speed, Ben provides a balance by often talking about the endurance side of training. Ben is also big on biohacking and talks a lot about the little things that you can do to improve your life and function at the highest level.
My Top Pick: Anything on fitness, sleep, or diet biohacking
Barbell Shrugged
The "Barbell Shrugged" podcast has been one of the most popular fitness podcast for years. Although most episodes focus a great deal on Crossfit, the knowledge of the presenters and their guests can be absorbed by people like myself who have no current interest in Crossfit. "Barbell Shrugged" also has a great spinoff podcast called "Barbell Business" which is all about the behind the scenes stuff that goes on when running and owning a gym. It is a great resource for the fitness entrepreneur.
My Top Picks: Rich Froning Interview, Dmitry Klokov Interview, Mark Divine Interview
Barbell One Show
There was a period of time where I would listen to this podcast every day on my way to work in the weight room. The host, John Bosse, used to review a scientific journal article related to fitness or nutrition, break it down, and then apply it to practical everyday life usually in under 15 minutes. Although he does not update as frequently, his show has a history of hundreds of shows and hundreds of articles that are reviewed. Trust me, listening to one of these articles is 100x better than having to sit down and read it by yourself.
My Top Pick: There are so many articles you just have to pick the topics that interest you and go!
Other Podcasts worth mentioning:
-Joe Rogan Experience
-Power Athlete Radio
-MPNation Podcast
-The Unbeatable Mind Podcast
“Under the Bar"