On September 13, 2005, a show called "Supernatural" premiered on The WB network after "Gilmore Girls." It starred two familiar faces from other WB programs; Jared Padalecki from the aforementioned "Gilmore Girls" and Jensen Ackles, who appeared on both "Dawson's Creek" and "Smallville."
This past Tuesday, the 12th season of "Supernatural" premiered. There has been a lot of buzz about how the series survived this long, and I think that the answer is simple. The cast and crew are dedicated to the fans, and the fans are just as dedicated to them.
Creation Entertainment hosts a handful of "Supernatural" Conventions a year. They are mini-Comic Cons specific to all things "Supernatural" and take place in various locations across the US, Canada and Europe. These conventions keep members of the cast and crew interacting their fans for more than half of the year, and ensure constant engagement and feedback as the show films. Fans and stars alike come to SPN Cons to gush about their common interests and discuss what it's like on set, conspiracy theories, and all other types of meta-topics. If you're interested in attending a convention, you can check out Creation's website to see where the nearest SPN Con is to you. Buy tickets early, though, because they sell out fast (especially the photo and autograph op tickets)!
The other thing that keeps the show alive is the main casts' devotion to taking care of fans. Last year, Padalecki launched a Represent campaign in partnership with To Write Love On Her Arms called "Always Keep Fighting." AKF was launched because of Padalecki's own struggles with anxiety and depression and the stories he heard from fans who were facing their own demons. The campaign has started a conversation about mental health and is responsible for several other sub-campaigns, such as "I Am Enough" and "You Are Not Alone," a crisis hotline launched by Ackles and Misha Collins.
The reason that "Supernatural" has made it to season 12 with no signs of slowing down is because it's not just a show; it's a family.