We've all made the mistake before. Signing up for an 8 a.m. class is a bad decision. Even if you are an early riser or it is not early compared to the time you woke up in high school, you will regret choosing this time slot. 8 a.m. in college is a whole different ball game than in high school. Trust me. My first semester in school was jam-packed with 3 of these dreadful classes. Thankfully, my classes are right across the street, so I could roll out of bed at 7:50 a.m. and still make it to class on time. I will never, I repeat, never schedule myself the way I did first semester again! Sleep is a beautiful thing, and 8 a.m.'s do not allow enough of it.
Stage 1: Setting your 7:30 a.m., 7:45 a.m. and 7:55 a.m. alarms the day before your class.
Stage 2: Hitting the hay at 2 a.m. and realizing how tired you are going to be in the morning.
Uh oh.
Stage 3: The first alarm brings on grunts.
Stage 4: The second alarm brings on silent sobs.
Stage 5: The third alarm brings on an intense wave of tears.
Stage 6: Falling back asleep accidentally and realizing you're going to be 20 minutes late for class.
Stage 7: Jumping out of bed, throwing on the first sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants in site, forgetting to brush your teeth and running out the door.
Stage 8: Composing yourself before you walk into class late.
Deep breaths.
Stage 9: Settling down into your seat, realizing how bad your breath smells and how disgusting you look.
Stage 10: Getting out of class and feeling absolutely exhausted.
Alright, see ya.
Stage 11: Resolving to never schedule an 8 a.m. class again!
Never again!!