While you everyone knows that culture shock is very real when you go abroad, many don't realise that reverse culture shock can be even worse. While you are excited to come home to your family, friends, and pets, apart of you will forever be in the place you studied in for six months. The stages of leaving your study abroad home are just as hectic, if not more, than preparing to go.
1. One Month Left
At this point, you have experienced everything and the study abroad lifestyle is normal for you. You love your life abroad but going home would be nice and you feel ready to be back in The States.
2. One week left
“WHAT. How is there only a week left?!?! I have some much still to experience.” This is when it sort of sets in that you actually are leaving and it will most likely be a couple years before you get to come back.
3. The day of your flight
Nothing compares to this day. You are so excited to go home but you also dread leaving your new family and friends; part of you wants to stay in Europe forever. Advice: Just sleep on the plane so you can’t think about your mixed emotions.
4. Seeing your family
How did you ever live without seeing your mom on a consistent basis? Did your sister suddenly grow three inches? You love being home and seeing them but you feel like so much has changed and you've missed out on everything.
5. Your first home cooked meal
You forgot just how amazing your mom’s homemade mac and cheese is, really just how amazing mac and cheese is in general.
6. Seeing your friends
How in the world did you ever go out without these crazy people? They are the most fun and its exactly like before you left expect now you have the coolest stories to tell.
7. A week after you return home
You have seen everyone and remembered how much you missed everything but something is missing. You don't quite fit in here anymore because you have changed so much and you start to miss the golden days of studying abroad.
8. Returning to your College in the United States
Textbooks are how much? You remember how much harder (and more expensive) college in the States is and miss the ease of the classes you took abroad. The money you spent overseas seems so much more worth it in comparison to the petty cash you throw around in the States, except your vacation in Europe is over and now you have to adjust back the insanely expensive lifestyle of Americans.
9. A couple months after returning home
You start to wonder why you ever came home in the first place. Your family in the States is great but there's no comparison to the excitement of your times abroad.