Despite only being released to most users in America on July 6th, Pokemon Go is already a huge hit. The new mobile phone app has been rumored for what seems like forever to fans of the franchise, and after being released it became an overnight sensation. It rocketed to the tops of the app store charts and continues to pull the college-aged generation in. The app lets players catch, collect, and battle creatures called Pokemon in ways that are similar to the original shows, movies and games. To anyone who played Pokemon games as a kid, it's obvious why this is such a big deal. But for those of you who missed out on the original Pokemon sensation, let me tell you why we're all so excited.
�Why We Love It:
1. It brings back our childhood.
Some of us have been watching/playing/training Pokemon since the very beginning, so it's pretty exciting to get to go back to them like this.
2. It's a bit of a challenge.
Pokemon are supposed to be pretty stubborn for the most part, so sometimes they can be hard to catch. Since there are well over 100 of them or more depending on what the app developers do, trying to catch them all is quite the challenge.
3. Pokemon training is pretty competitive.
4. And it's pretty satisfying to defeat someone.
Although the reactions of characters in the games will always be my favorite, it's still fun to beat someone in a gym battle!
5. It gets us moving.
Pokemon GO requires a lot more exertion on the players part than any previous addition to the Pokemon franchise. The game requires players to get up, move, and search for more Pokemon around them. This makes the game both more realistic, and even more appealing to some players.
6. Hatching a Pokemon egg is satisfying.
Just like in the handheld games, Pokemon eggs have to be carried around until they hatch. In the app, they must be put in an incubator and the trainer has to walk anywhere between two and ten kilometers before the egg hatches. It's satisfying to see an egg hatch, let alone if it's a Pokemon you don't have yet!
7. Seeing all the random Pokestop locations.
Since the app lets trainers catch Pokemon in the real world, it uses real locations to create Pokestops, places where trainers can pick up free items. They're usually at historic or odd places of interest like churches, statues, and even police stations. I think it's pretty cool to see what places nearby made the cut.
Two Reasons Why It's Not So Great
1. It's so new that the servers keep crashing.
It's an awful feeling when you open the app, all ready to go on your Pokemon adventure, and discover that the servers are down. It's even worse when they crash right when you're about to catch a new Pokemon.
2. There isn't much for rural players.
Although this will hopefully change as Niantic works out the kinks in the system, there's very little for those who live in rural areas to do without driving somewhere.
My Overall Opinion?
I absolutely love Pokemon Go, and I think fans of the franchise should try it out, no matter their age. After all, when talking about what other people think, Misty said it best: