People of UCF
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People of UCF

Walking to class is basically the People Watching Olympics.

People of UCF
University of Central Florida

There are over 60,000 students that attend the University of Central Florida. So naturally, it's easier to run into some real characters on your way to class than it is to find a parking spot. After your daily 20 minute struggle to find a parking spot, you power walk your way to class, but not before you run into the stereotypical "People of UCF".

1. The "I Went to Starbucks and I Want You to Know It"

These people carry their frappe-whatcha-macallits with pride. Not only did they get to campus with enough time to make a coffee pit stop, but they even had enough time to brave the Starbucks line wrapping around the building at all times of the day. Mad props to you, time management master! The rest of us will continue to sprint to class and still be 10 minutes late.

2. The "Always Prepared Umbrella Bringer"

Florida's weather is as unstable as Taylor Swift's love life so these people really thrive at UCF. Whether they walk around with the tiny backpack umbrella or the giant lightning stick, they are prepared for a downpour. Some even decide to rock the umbrella in clearest of skies and brightest of days like their portable shade-maker will actually help with the 100 degrees of torture. We might judge them, but as soon it starts pouring we all try to be their best friends.

3. The "Last Minute Studier"

This walker begged their roommate to drive them as close to their building as possible. They stayed up all night and have a huge test in 5 minutes so they are flipping through their notecards hoping that they end up retaining something. They are easily spotted on their journey to class because of the bags under their eyes, Scranton in their hand, and the fact that they didn't look up to see where they were walking once.

4. The "Longboard Cruiser"

We've all seen them bust their butts on an unexpected curb and tried our very hardest not to laugh. We've also been run over multiple times without ever receiving an apology. These kids are rolling to class and don't care who they take down in the process. Their less popular cousin, the Razor Scooter stroller, may be a throwback, but at least they have more control over where they are going.

5. The "7:30 AM Warrior"

These poor souls got the short end of the stick on class times and have to start their day before UCF even sends it's automated "What's Going On Today" email. If a computer doesn't have to do its job this early why should students?! You should consider yourself extremely lucky if you have never seen this rare species. They get zero sleep and most likely are walking to class in the clothes they slept in.

6. The "Gym Rat"

This crew is rocking muscle tanks, gym shorts, spandex, and sneakers everywhere they go. With their trusted proteins shaker bottle in hand, they walk (run) to class. They may never actually go to the gym, but we will never know because they look the part every single time we see them. Try to steer clear of them because they are trying to get the most steps possible on their Fitbit and you might slow them down. Resting heart rate?! Not for these people.

7. The "Snacker and Backpacker"

College kids master eating whenever and wherever, but these hungry and determined students are on another level. The usual off-to-class granola bar gets replaced with an entire meal, tacos, and a bowl of soup. How they manage to make it to class on time without a stain on shirt and food on the ground? I will never know.

8. The "Slower than Molasses Mosier"

Easily the most frustrating of walkers. They walk even slower than the studiers, but FOR NO REASON. People throw themselves off the sidewalk to get around these rolling road blocks. By the time these kids get to class it will be over so I don't know why they even bother. They are like the car going 15 under the speed limit in the fast lane on I4. Unacceptable.

9.The "Headphones in, People Out"

For these people, as soon as they put their headphones in the world around them disappears. Some are listening to music trying to pretend they didn't just bomb a test. Some are listening to nothing but hoping the person handing out flyers won't try to get them to ding up for Underwater Fruit Picking Activists won't be able to tell. The most easily spotted is the person with headphones in screaming at someone on their phone. Sharing is caring, but no one around them asked to be part of this phone call.

10. The "Campus Costumer"

Year round these walkers roam campus in capes, cat ears, and graphic tees. It doesn't matter what day, how hot, or what class it is they will have on their Wednesday cape with their turtle shell backpacks. They are usually spotted in a large group making you wonder if you are, in fact, the one dressed incorrectly for class. Halloween isn't a fun time in October, it is a LIFESTYLE.

11. The "Market Wednesday Wanderer"

Everyone knows to avoid the Student Union if they are trying to actually get somewhere on time. Market Wednesday is like a time warp. You have 10 minutes to get one building over but after 12 flyers, 2 petitions, and 1 chance to sell your plasma you're late. Take the long way if you're not trying to collect a tree-worth of paper flyers.

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