Who Are The Nearly Deads? | The Odyssey Online
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Who Are The Nearly Deads?

The people, the band, the experience

Who Are The Nearly Deads?
The Nearly Deads

According to Wikipedia, you could say that The Nearly Deads are “an American alternative rock band from Nashville, Tennessee, formed in 2010,” which isn’t wrong...except when it is.

The Nearly Deads are so much more than that. Since 2012, I’ve been a huge fan of theirs, and that’s because on top of being talented musicians, they are passionate and amazing people who have earned their fanbase. They have influences from all over the genre spectrum, they are energetic live and interactive on social media, and they’re all so nice! (Seriously guys, I’ve seen them at least a dozen times in four years, and I’m always itching to make it more!)

In light of their new EP and tour, I sent them some questions so they could tell you, in their own words, who The Nearly Deads are.

Author’s note: I fixed a few spelling errors, but I left formatting largely as is, because I feel their responses tie directly into their personalities, and it shows.

TJ - vocalist (+pianist

Where are you getting most of your lyrical inspiration for the new EP?
"The new EP lyrics are mostly inspired by our past few years as a band. There have been ups and downs. We are rediscovering the fire we had when we first started playing music, without all the added stress of trying to please certain industry people who just plain don't understand who we are as a band. We want the songs to inspire our fans to be themselves and to be able to come see our live show and feel a sense of belonging."

If you decided to dye your hair today, what color would you choose?

"If I dyed my hair today it would probably be cotton candy pink! I can't betray my platinum status though!"

What band have you seen live the most times?
"I have seen a lot of bands several times. I would have to say either Fall Out Boy or Alkaline Trio are tied."

What makes The Nearly Deads so great?

"What makes The Nearly Deads so great? Our authenticity. We really listen to our fans, talk to them and meet them. They become our friends. We make music because we love it, but we are always thinking of what our fans want! We are a very transparent, accessible band. I think people really understand that. No one likes bullshit, and people can see through it. We're not trying to sell you on our band or our music, we're just trying to have a good time doing what we love, and we are very humbled that our fans give us the ability to continue making music."

Steven - guitarist

What are some influences for the new EP’s instrumental sound?
"Muse, Filter and Smashing Pumpkins were probably the bands who influenced my writing most on the New EP."

What song means the most to you (you don’t have to say why)?
"There is an untitled song we are working on that I think means the most to me of the new tracks. The lyrics are based off some lyrics I wrote a while ago and the content is personal to me and my journey as a musician."

What is a guilty pleasure band for you?
"I don't really believe in guilty pleasures per se, you just like what you like. But I do get teased for loving will smith and video game or movie soundtracks."

What makes The Nearly Deads so great?

"I think the best part about The Nearly Deads is that we formed naturally around a love for playing music, specifically rock n’ roll. We also love spending time with fans and therefor they give back so much to us and makes the struggle life of a musician totally worth it."

Kevin - bassist

What are your three favorite bands + one guilty pleasure band?
"3 fave bands::: brand new, circa survive, animals as leaders, meshuggah. I'm doing 4 hah guilty pleasure one is prolly, Katy perry"

Why do you keep your hair long?
"I keep my hair long cause it is part of who I am..I And the ladies love it. Haha"

Where has been your favorite place (venue, or city) to play?
"Favorite place I've been too is the redwoods in northern California. Favorite venue is the Rave in Milwaukee"

What makes The Nearly Deads so great?

"We are the True Crew soooo..... enough said :)"

Javier - guitarist

What is your favorite song to play live?
"Favorite song to play is Diamond In The Rough"

Who has the worst sense of humor in the band?
"Worst sense of humor is a tie between TJ, Kev, Steve, and Josh"

If TND could have one musician feature on the new EP, who would you choose?
"I would love Mixi Demner on the new EP, I have mad respect."

What makes The Nearly Deads so great?

"The Nearly Deads are great because we're not dead yet lol"

Josh - drummer

What has been your favorite tour moment so far?

"My favorite tour memory so far has to be when we played at Stage AE in Pittsburgh, PA. It's an awesome venue and I have seen so many of my favorite bands there so it was a surreal experience."

What is the most challenging part about being in a band (or this band specifically)?

"For me the most challenging part about being in a band is being away from your loved ones for periods of time. You also tend to miss some holidays and events, it's definitely the biggest sacrifice for me."

What’s your TND favorite song (on record or live)?

"My favorite TND song has to be I Said. Both on record and live. It just has that punk vibe that I grew up with and I love performing it. It was also the first video and song I was featured in as a band member haha!"

What makes The Nearly Deads so great?

"What makes TND so great is we are just a bunch of positive people doing what we love making a career out of it! These guys (and gal lol) are my best friends and it's awesome getting to live out my dream with them!"

The Nearly Deads are currently running a Pledge Music campaign for their next EP, with bundles as low as 10$. It ends in mid-October, so check them out! They’re already at 40% but they can reach 100% with your help!

You can find them on facebook and twitter!

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