I am sure many of you have the same personality as me. You are a complete go-getter and sign up for as many jobs, organizations, and clubs as possible. At the time, you think that you will be able to balance it all, and maybe you can, but it may just end up becoming a very stressful situation. I definitely experienced this moment this past week, but do not worry; there is always a way to make it happen.
1. Make Sure You Are Organized
Whenever you agree to work something, attend an event, or attend a function, make sure you write it down. Put the date and time in your planner or in your phone; that way, you can see in advance if events overlap. This may seem like common sense but I know if I forget to write it down, I will not remember.
2. Do Not Be Afraid To Decline an Event
I am definitely one of those people who is afraid to let someone down. Therefore, I have an issue with turning down shifts or a meeting. While it is great to be a hard worker and be dedicated to your job or cause, it can sometimes become more detrimental than just saying, “I am sorry I can’t make it this time.” It is okay to make time for yourself every once in a while.
3. Choose Wisely
It is also important to realize that you do not have to join every club or organization. Just pick what you are passionate about and are certain will benefit you in the future. It can be fun to join a wide variety or organizations, but sometimes you have to pick and choose what is truly important to you. These organizations are supposed to be fun! Do not allow them to become another stress in your life.
College allows for many opportunities and it is important to utilize them. Just make sure you take care of yourself and do not overwhelm yourself.