College is supposed to be one of the best times of your life. However, it is also one of the toughest transitions to make. There is so much anticipation and excitement leading up to moving into college. It doesn’t truly hit you until move in day when your parents say their final goodbyes and you see their car drive away. You truly are on your own. I was blessed to meet my best friends within the first week of school. Your college friends are so important and here’s why:
They’re willing to get food with you at anytime of day.
Whether you’re craving a slice of pizza at three in the morning or want to order food to your dorm because it’s too cold to walk to the dining hall, your college friends are down for anything. They share the same love for food as you do and if you’re as lucky as me, you might even have a roommate who gets the same thing from your favorite restaurant as you and is willing to split it. There is nothing like bonding with your best friends while enjoying some good food.
They’ll motivate you to go to the gym.
My alarm to go to the gym goes off at 10 a.m. and I normally roll over and snooze it. However, my college friends will text me telling me to get out of bed because we’re going to the gym whether I want to or not. I love having friends to workout with and motivate me with their workout routines. It’s also an added bonus that I have friends to get lunch with afterwards.
They’ll have deep talks with you late at night.
I know if I call one of my friends crying in the middle of the night, they’ll be at my room in 30 seconds without me even saying anything. If I’m ever not sure what decision to make, they talk me through it and lead me to make the right choice. Whether it’s a senseless conversation about how many dogs you want when you have your own place or a serious life discussion, your college friends are always going to be willing to talk.
They're your study buddies
They understand how important your grades are to you and they share the same interest of doing well in school. They're always down for a trip to the library (and are willing to stop for coffee beforehand for those late night study sessions). They always motivate you to study hard so you can go out on the weekend.
Their closet is your closet.
Do you ever look at your closet and think that you have absolutely nothing to wear? (Even though there is a full closet of cute clothes right in front of your eyes). One of the many perks of your college friends is having a new closet to browse through. You now have cute outfits to borrow and your friends can also borrow your clothes that you’re tired of wearing.
They’re your support system.
Whether something really good happens or something really horrible happens, your college friends are the first people you want to talk to. When something good happens, they’re the people who want to congratulate you. When something bad happens, they know all the right things to say to cheer you up (in most cases it involves a trip to the dining hall to get some cookie dough ice cream).
They’re your second family.
You spend every waking minute with these people; you’re bound to become close like family. I’m thankful for my college friends for caring for me and supporting me like my own family does. The memories I share with these people are unforgettable. My college experience would not be the same without these friends in my life.
I could not be more grateful for the friends I’ve made at school. They make the bad days easier, and the good days even better. I am so lucky to have met such great people to share my college experience with. My life wouldn’t be the same without them.