To The High School Honor Graduate Failing A College Class | The Odyssey Online
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To The High School Honor Graduate Failing A College Class

This does not define you.

To The High School Honor Graduate Failing A College Class
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I know, I know, the word failing is hardly in your vocabulary, let alone something that could be used to describe you. You were an honor graduate for goodness sake, probably an active member of multiple clubs, and if you are anything like me you have never made below a B in your life. However, I am here to tell you that it will be okay, you will be okay. It is not the end of the world, far from it actually. Failing a class will not end you, or your GPA. So after you come down from the initial shock and near anxiety attack just stop for a minute, take a breath, and relax.

Most college students have been where you are, believe me when I say that failing a class is not a new concept. It has happened to the best of us, regardless of what some would have you believe. So when we tell you that it will be okay, trust us. Do not second guess yourself because of one class. I promise that you are smart and mature enough to handle college, this is just one semester of many. While it may have a small impact of your GPA, the worst this will do is bruise your ego.

Your family will still love you, your professor will not hate you, and this will not prohibit you from getting a job one day.

If you want to succeed in college, you have to learn to look past the bumps in the road. This will not tear you down, merely knock you down a peg. What matters is what you do next, so here are a few things for you to focus on post failing grade.

Believe it or not, you can take that class again.

I know to those of us that have never failed before, the idea if taking a class again is entirely foreign, pointless even. There are benefits to it though, even beyond gaining a different grade. You will have a greater understanding of the material and depending on the class this may be extremely handy when you take the next level course. So please, swallow that pride and retake the class, it will be beneficial I promise.

Grades are not the only thing employers look at.

This can be a hard pill to swallow for some, after all, we have been congratulated on our letter grades all our lives. To make the best out of the situation look at other ways to get involved around campus, join clubs, get a campus job, volunteer, propose research topics. Even if you only meet with professors in your area of interest, you are still getting your name and face out there. Make connections that you can use later on in life.

Use this as an opportunity to evaluate your career choice.

I'm not saying that if you fail one class you should change your entire major, but maybe take a step back and look at the next classes you have to take to complete your degree. I remember sitting in my basic anatomy class thinking that I would rather take a swan dive into a shark pool than learn one more thing about the Central Nervous System. The next week I changed my major from Respiratory Therapy to Biology - Plant Sciences and I could not be happier.

Failing a class is not the end of your academic career, and in some ways, it may be the wake up call you needed. So to my fellow high school honor graduates out there, just relax, one F will not define your entire life. Use this experience to your benefit, because you have a lot to gain from a failed class.

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