I don't know about you guys, but I love a good fight. In high school I was that guy who would try to instigate a little more before two people fight. I was the guy who had all the fights recorded. And I was the guy that, if I heard there was a fight in the vicinity, or if I was it in the distance, would run to where the two combatants were. And to be honest, I'm still that guy. I hav no shame. I love seeing people fight. I don't quite know why. I don't want to use a cliche excuse like "its something left behind by our prehistoric ancestors" or some shit like that. I'll let you know when I figure it out. Because of my enjoyment of watching people fight, it should come to no suprise h to any one that I love action movies.As much as I despise the cliches that come with action movies, they are the only way I can get my fix. And now I'm going to try to explain what makes a good fight scene in my opinion
I think the first thing that makes a fight great is that it shows how a person reacts when in distress. Fighting is inherently stressful in my opinion. A good fight scene shows what kind of person a character is. A good example would be Jason Bourne
This is a man who doesn't know who he is, or what he's done, but he can kick all kinds of ass. Because we can see how he kicks all kinds of ass, we can see what kind of person he really is. We see that is an adaptive and resourceful man, switching his approach wilth every curveball that is thrown and using the environment as a weapon. He has to be an assassin of some sort
Another thing that makes a great fight scene is the increasing of the tension and suspense. Have you ever watched a movie or a film, two people start fighting and you think to yourself; "One of these guys is going to die?" That's an effect of the increasing suspense. Of course, that's not always the result, but you get what I mean. the second Captain America movie does this wonderfully in the elevator scene.
You can see Captain's suspicion increase as well as the anxiety in the guards faces. The entire fight is controlling your levels of suspense
Another thing that makes a great fight scene is the cinematography. Basically its the placement of the camera, lighting, and sound of any given scene. Once again, the Captain America films are good at this
Peep at around 3:49 when Black Widow catches the guy. The music stops instantly, making the scene seem more realistic and the situation more intimate. The camera starts low, reminding the viewer that there are two powerful people (Or maybe the stunt double was really short). Another thing that makes this scene great is how the camera follows the action. When She disarmes the guy the camera follows her hands. When she's beating his chest up it follows every punch.
I can tell you all day what makes a good fight scene but I can't tell you why I enjoy watching people fight. Whatever. Just know that if I catch you fighting, I'm going to do my best to instigate.