The Falsehoods Of Bernie Sanders
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The Falsehoods Of Bernie Sanders

Democratic socialism is the road to failure.

The Falsehoods Of Bernie Sanders
Ben Garrison Cartoons

I am not buying what Bernie Sanders is selling. Why?

You would think as a student who is probably going to end up in debt when he gets out of college, I would be rooting for the socialist. You would think as a student who will most likely not have healthcare in four years, I would be scrambling to vote for him. He’s giving it to the political machine, making Hillary Clinton fight for every state.

But I’m not.

Unlike my fellow millennials such as Jocelyn Quinn, I’m not going to vote for Bernie Sanders, no matter what happens. I am a student of history and I understand what happens when one goes down the road to serfdom. Socialism is a slippery slope; you go down one of two ways. You either slip into communism, as happened in Cuba with Fidel Castro, or you become more capitalistic like the Scandinavian states.

Bernie Sanders promises sound too good to be true.

And that’s because they are.

The ‘democratic socialist’ is going to make college ‘tuition-free.’ It’s going to help us stave off student debt, right? It’s going to make it cost less? No. And no. Colleges don’t cost so much because the government isn’t paying enough money; it’s because public colleges want more and more money to pay for increases in administration.

We see that in my own college, where the California State University Board of Trustees increased the President’s salary from $361,000 to $369,000 dollars. According to statistics, pay for administrators increased by 43 percent between 2011 and 2015. And we wonder why colleges are becoming more expensive. We’re more focused on administrative work and making college fancy instead of improving education.

Matthew Yglesias said it best when it comes to this; ”If the level of subsidy were increased enough to eliminate tuition, the faculty and administrators of public universities would still thirst for more money.”

When people yell at me,”But what about Germany and Scandinavia?!” I simply point to free college hurting Denmark’s economy and Germany’s lower graduation rates and laugh in Asian privilege. I laugh while I can because Asians are being punished for their success, but it’s still fun to laugh.

But, my comrades yell, Bernie Sanders wants to grant universal healthcare to all people. It sounds great, right? Everyone is going to save money, Bernie laments, always emphasizing his "pay $500 in taxes save $5,000." You’re going to get covered; just like how Donald Trump won’t let you die on the street.

And yet universal healthcare didn’t work in his home state because of the costs. Small businesses, the ‘backbone’ of the economy, would have been hit by an increase in the payroll tax, on top of federal taxes.

Even Kenneth Thorpe, a proponent of universal healthcare, says that Bernie’s plan will cost twice as much as he says it does. Us millennials are supposed to be behind Bernie Sanders because he is fighting for us, and yet he will leave us saddled with debt and higher taxes.

And yet millennials continue to believe in the promise of universal healthcare, even when a liberal icon like Bill Maher questions Sanders. And tells the truth about universal healthcare,” Because that is socialism.”

We see that socialized healthcare is being kicked around; we’ve seen the problems in Great Britain, Canada, and Scandinavia. More people are turning to private insurance in Sweden, the Great Britain healthcare system is in crisis, and Canada isn’t the greatest example of single-payer.

But, my generation cries out, he’s against the political machine. He’s an independent running against the establishment which is Hillary Clinton.


Of course, Hillary Clinton is the establishment Democrat, who proclaims she isn’t because she is a woman. But Bernie Sanders isn’t part of the establishment! He’s an independent who is for the people!

No, he’s part of the establishment. You’re going to tell me, a man who’s been a politician for the past 30 years, who votes with Democrats ‘95 percent’ of the time, is not part of the establishment? Who dines with Wall Street execs, accepts money from unions and Super PACs, is a ‘political outsider?’

You’re telling me the man who loves the F-35 jet is not part of the Democratic problem we have in this nation?

In less sophisticated language, you idiots have deluded yourself into thinking he isn’t part of the problem we have in Washington.

I, unlike 70 percent of my compatriots, will not vote for the socialist. I heed the wise words of Winston Churchill.

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

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