8. Provides a sense of accomplishment | The Odyssey Online
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The Early Bird Really DOES Get The Worm

"Early is a priceless timepiece owned by the successful." -- Johnnie Dent Jr.

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Waking up early results in a plethora of conscious and subconscious positive effects on the rest of the day. It allows for more effective work and thought, helping prioritize the bigger, more important tasks as opposed to the smaller, less significant ones.

There is a direct relationship between waking up early and an increased level of productivity.

1. Obviously, it gives you more time to get things done

Are you always rushing through your skincare routine? Or you never get a chance to read more than a few pages of that new book you've been dying to finish? Waking up before everyone else gives you so much more quiet time to do those things that your busy schedule never allows for.

2. There is drastically less of a chance for you to be late

Being fashionably late just isn't a thing that successful people do.

3. Enables you to plan for the day

Checking off your biggest, most important tasks earlier in the day allows for you to schedule the rest of the day according to what YOU want to do!

4. Enhances productivity

Even though waking up early usually requires going to sleep earlier, the vast majority of early risers testify that they are able to get more done when they wake up early rather than staying up late.

5. Allows time for exercise

There's no better way to get the day started than by busting out a 2 mile run or a 700 calorie workout! It energizes your body and mind, also increasing your metabolism as you take on the day!

6. Gives enough time to eat breakfast

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And they're right. Skipping meals forces your body to store the fat content from when you do eat, but eating good foods in the morning helps boost your metabolism and maintain it throughout the day. Eggs and bacon galore!

7. Increases optimism about the day

It's true. Productivity produces a desire for more productivity. Checking items off of a list triggers a want-to to continue efficiency and production.

8. Provides a sense of accomplishment 

Waking up early is basically the equivalent to a holding up a sign that says "Congrats! You completed the hardest step of the day!"


"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." - Benjamin Franklin

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