The Disease Of Being A Detroit Lions Fan
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The Disease Of Being A Detroit Lions Fan

Gosder Cherilus

The Disease Of Being A Detroit Lions Fan

It's a very eerie feeling. It brings pain throughout your entire body year after year. It's a sickly disease that brings out the worst in people. However, last year a cure was found. All of a sudden fans across the country were being cured. This cure turned out to be temporary, and now those infected are back to their pain-filled stage. This disease is called being a Detroit Lions fan.

Here are five main reasons (out of hundreds) the Lions just plain suck.

1. Clueless General Managers

Matt Millen. You ruined us. In 2001, the Detroit Lions hired this "jagaloon" to run an entire NFL franchise. According to The Detroit Lions, his record as CEO stands at 31-81. This dismal leadership is the worst winning percentage (.277) is the worst ever in a seven-year period. The absolute worst part of this whole nightmare, Millen was the second highest paid GM in the NFL. What...? His only success was drafting Calvin Johnson in 2007. By 2005, Lions fans everywhere were sick of losing and began a "Fire Millen Movement". "Fire Millen" signs surfaced at Detroit Pistons games, ESPN College GameDay, and even a Division II National Football Championship in Alabama.

2. Bad Draft Picks

Gosder Cherilus. Ernie Sims. Mike Williams. Roy Williams...Gosder Cherilus. If you don't recognize these players, or even know if they played in the NFL, I completely understand. These were all first-round draft picks between 2000-2009. In fact, three of the four draft picks were top 10. People always ask me, "so why are the Lions so darn bad?" My response is, Gosder Cherilus.

3. Even Worse Draft Picks

(Just like an OxiClean commercial featuring Billy Mayes) "BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE." Joey Harrington. Charles Rogers. Brandon Pettigrew. Eric Ebron. Joey Harrington and Charles Rogers were back-to-back (Drake voice) picks in 2002-03. Both Top 4 draft picks, they couldn't win a game to save their lives. Brandon Pettigrew was drafted the same year as Matthew Stafford at #20. Do you know what the #20 draft pick does now? He's a blocking tight end for a 2-7 ball club. Tremendous. Eric Ebron is still young and developing as a tight end. However, let's go back in time to the 2014 draft. Hmmm, who was still on the board? Oh, just Odell Beckham Jr. Could you imagine how explosive the offense could be with him? What makes the Patriots so competitive is the management's ability to find players through all seven rounds that they can fit into their schemes. The Lions can't seem to find a 2nd round pick who can even find the field after three years. It's embarrassing.

4. A Losing Culture

Of the 14 NFL teams who have never won a Super Bowl, only four of them have never even made it to the big game. Of course, one of the four is the Detroit Lions. Simply put, it's difficult to create a winning culture when you don't win a lot. They lost in the Wild Card game to the Dallas Cowboys last year and now have two wins through nine weeks. Detroit lost in the Divisional Wild Card in 2011 to the New Orleans Saints, and then went 4-12 then proceeding year. The lack of consistency is unbearable and the disease of being a Detroit Lions fan is an ongoing struggle. Since the regular season expanded to 16 games in the NFL, only one team has gone 0-16. Guess who...

5. Players' lack of loyalty

The last few years of draft picks (Rounds 1-7) haven't been as horrid as the years prior. Ndamukong Suh was a force for Detroit's front seven for years. They drafted Nick Fairley and Ezekiel Ansah to create a ruthless defensive line. Suh left after 5 seasons with Detroit, many of them being All-Pro seasons. Fairley had injury issues as well as off the field incidents that led to his departure. When the Lions finally do draft good players, they leave for the money or to simply find a winning team.

A great win against Green Bay does give me some hope. Even with Rasheen Mathis on IR, in an already mediocre secondary, Rogers struggled with the pressure and coverage. Mid-season fires were abrupt and the timing was awkward. But when is the last time the Detroit Lions did anything that made sense? This organization is the King of "we'll be better next year." The next time my favorite football team comes up in a conversation. Remember one name and one name only. Gosder Cherilus.

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