As we wrap up our last few weeks of spring semester, it's always relieving to know a break from all of your responsibilities is right around the corner! Some of the simplest parts of being home from college for the summer are some of the best.
1. Your mom offering to do your laundry.
Because you forgot what it felt like to actually wear clean clothes.
2. Home-cooked meals.
Just when you thought your body couldn't handle one more day of campus food, you finally arrive home just in time for a hearty meal cooked by the best chefs you've ever known, Mom and Dad.
3. Taking a shower without shower shoes and 47 other girls' hair on the wall.
Tossing your shower shoes in the trash and knowing that everything in the bathroom at home belongs to you and only you is one of the most relieving feelings in the world.
4. A good night's sleep in your own bed.
The immediate thought that runs through your mind as soon as your head hits the pillow is: "how did I sleep on such a terrible bed for 9 months at school?"
5. Being reunited with your pets.
Your friends at school may say they'll miss you over summer, but no one missed you more when you were at school than your pets. You can always count on them to be excited for your arrival no matter how long you've been gone.
6. Hearing about all of your high school friends' college experiences.
Hearing about drama in high school was exciting, until you realized you had triple the amount of gossip to catch up on when all of your friends finally reunite!
7. Looking like a bum 24/7.
Some people will simply never understand how mentally traumatizing exam week is for us college students. We simply don't have the energy to look decent anymore. Sorry not sorry!
8. Finally getting behind the wheel again.
The amount of steps that have been walked across campus have been an absurdly disgusting amount that has made you never want to leave your car behind ever again.
9. Pigging out at your favorite local restaurant.
At school, you might have felt like you found the ultimate hot spot to replace your favorite meals from home... until you take that first bite again at your go-to restaurant from back home and realize that's where your heart will always be.
10. Spending time with your family.
As much as your family may annoy you at times, you might actually have actually missed them a little...
11. There's just no place like home.
College is fun and all, but at the end of the day, it is so nice to have such a wonderful place to always be able to call home.