1. Sleep
Once finals are over and done with, I'm out like a light. I was almost late for work the other day because my body decided it was exhausted enough to sleep for 13 full hours. Nothing's better than hibernating in your own bed.
2. Mama's home cooking
Tired of campus cafe food and ramen? Same here.
3. Access to vehicular transportation
I don't know about your campus, but mine has zero guaranteed spots for parking, so when I come home I'm just itching to get behind the wheel, even if it's just to drive to Starbucks.
4. TV time
Remember all those shows you either had to abandon or never got the chance to start because you were living the academic life? Here's your chance.
5. Overdue hangouts
6. No assignments
Here's to a few stress-free weeks void of any school-related tasks.