So you’re probably thinking, here is yet another article about how someone’s best friend is the absolute best. Well, mine is more than just the best.
I never thought I would meet someone who is just as talkative & outgoing as me. Then I met you. You are the weirdest, funniest, and craziest person I’ve ever met. And that is exactly why you’re my best friend. It’s only been five months since we first met, yet I feel like we’ve known each other for years because I can literally tell you absolutely anything, no matter how embarrassing or awful it might be, and we can always laugh about it. To me, that’s what being best friends is all about.
So now that I’ve said all of the typical “my best friend is the best” stuff, I’ll get to the point. I’m writing this for you because you deserve it more than anyone I know. You're more than just the best. I met you in a transitioning period of my life and let’s just say God’s timing was perfect because you were just the person I needed. I’m the kind of person who will do absolutely anything for the people I care about but I’ve learned that not everyone will return the favor. You are one of the very few people who DOES return the favor and who will do absolutely anything for me as well. And nowadays, that’s pretty hard to find.
A lot of people have best friends, but not everyone has one who will go above and beyond for them. I'm one of the lucky ones because I can honestly say that I do. I had heart surgery this past summer and was completely terrified. I'd never been more scared of something. You talked to me for hours on several different occasions telling me that I would be okay and needed to put my trust in God. Most people would have gotten annoyed, but you didn't. You went above and beyond to make sure I was confident I would be okay before I went into surgery. That, my friend, makes you more than just the best.
Just the other day, I had a pretty rough day because I didn’t do as well as I had hoped on an exam. I was feeling down and didn’t want to do anything but lay in bed. I was talking to you between classes complaining about how awful my day had been and your response was “Come over later, I’ll give you a big hug and if you want, I’ll use a meal swipe to get you ice cream”. (PS; ice cream is the number 1 way to my heart). You had homework and studying you could have been doing, but instead, you dropped everything to be there when I needed you and never once complained. That makes you more than just the best.
You’re a great friend even when I’m having the best of days too. I can’t even begin to list all the times you’ve made me laugh or simply made my days a little bit brighter. My memories with you are some of my absolute favorite; all the times I caught you videoing me doing super awkward and embarrassing things (like when I stood on your dorm room sink dancing and singing obnoxiously, or when I used my lamp as a microphone, ha!), the thousands of times we had jam sessions in my car, the time we went to the lake and you somehow talked me into trying water skiing because you knew I would love it (which I did), and when we went to see the fireworks on the Fourth of July. These are only a few of the endless memories I have with you and I cannot wait for all the memories we will create as we continue to make our way through college together.
Finally, I just want to thank you. Thank you for loving me for me and always letting me be myself. Thank you for always including me and making me a part of your life. Thank you for always making me feel important and cared for. And most of all, thank you for being more than just the best.
Your best friend