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The Armor Of God

The power and protection we need.

The Armor Of God
Jake Bailey

Okay kiddies, it's time to go back to Sunday school. We are going to learn all about the Armor of God!

It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I realized just how important this age-old teaching really is to our faith.

So it says in Ephesians 6:13-18,

13 This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. 14 Stand, therefore,

with truth like a belt around your waist,
righteousness like armor on your chest,
15 and your feet sandaled with readiness
for the gospel of peace.
16 In every situation take the shield of faith,
and with it you will be able to extinguish
all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation,
and the sword of the Spirit,
which is God’s word.

18 Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.

When I was little all I could think of was this cheesy Saturday morning Christian T.V. show- "Bibleman." Picture this:

I remember I always thought it was so awesome that God actually provided "Bibleman" with the armor to fight his enemies in the show, but the actual application here is insanely relevant.

The author of Ephesians, Paul, he always knew how to make things understandable for his audience, no matter who he was talking to, and/or writing to, he made examples for people to understand.

While writing about the armor of God, Paul began listing the armor in order of how a Roman solider would suit up for battle, which amazingly is also the order we must suit up spiritually, not only for battle against the enemy, but to be ready for our day to day lives.

Let me explain..

1. Belt of Truth

The solider always put on his belt first because it held the rest of the armor together! This belt was placed right on the stomach and had chains on the top and bottom of it, right around the guts. Without the chains of this belt, and the belt itself, everything else fell down.

Us- What is our truth? It is ultimately the Word of God, but we will get to that later. I believe Paul was talking about what we find as true. Based on what we have learned about God and what we have been taught.

Have you ever felt like something just wasn't right in a situation, or you know what someone is saying isn't based on the truth of God's Word. You can feel it in your center, right where the belt sits. I believe that is what the belt of truth stands for, knowing the truth of God's word based on discernment from Him. Without the truth of God's word in our lives, everything else in our faith begins to crumble.

2. Breastplate of Righteousness

The solider put the armor on his chest next. It was connected to the belt, but the belt had to put on first. The breastplate's purpose was solely to protect the heart, and our wellspring of life, from blows of the enemies.

Us- We have to protect ourselves and guard our hearts from the enemy with the confidence of Christ! It is only through HIs blood, His life, and His resurrection, that we can find and fight, in right standing with God!

3. Shoes of Peace

The Roman army was known for their shoes. These were not ordinary sandals, they had large spikes on the bottom, like football cleats. This made the men stronger and faster in battle, because they didn't lose their balance easily, and they could run faster with the friction of the cleats.

Us- We have peace and are firmly planted by the word of God. Without the overwhelming peace of God, we may be swayed this way or that by the enemy. With firm footing, we can get through the rough patches of life and keep the Devil under our feet, where he belongs!

4. Shield of Faith

The shield that the solider carried stood from their knees to chin tall. Now that isn't as tall as an average Joe, we are talking about a large Roman solider. This shield was huge! Usually the shield was used in battle with help of others. They would kneel down and put their shields in the dirt and hide behind them armed together as one.

Us- Faith in God, comes from hearing His Word. Without faith in God, we cannot really go into battle. We have to have confidence in who and what we believe in! Also in our faith we can bind together as one, just like the soliders do. We bind together as brothers and sisters in Christ, having faith that we cannot do this on our own.

5. Helmet of Salvation

How could a solider go into battle without a helmet! The helmet protects one of the most important organs, your brain! The enemy knows that a good blow to the head, will surely bring a solider down right away.

Us- Just like a blow to the brain will bring us down. The same goes spiritually, the one tool the Devil uses to mess with God's children is their minds. Without right thinking, we are weak, and we will let the enemy lead us to believe so many lies that will bring us down. Letting God transform our minds, daily, is the only way we can protect ourselves from lies, negative thinking, or anything else that isn't of God.

6. Sword of the Spirit

The Roman army had many different types of swords, but the sword Paul was describing was the two edged sword. The most deadly of all, it was small and sharp and could rip through flesh with one easy swipe. This sword could inflict the most damage of all.

Us- This is the most important weapon against the enemy the Word of God! Not only am I talking about the Bible, but the words that God speaks to each of us personally is a deadly weapon in the hands of God's children against the Devil. For even the enemy knows of the power of God and he cannot deny what God can do, or what His children can do with the same power.

And with this power we can do all things! God has given us the tools we need, it is just waking up each day and remembering these things.

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