Breakfast food is unconditionally my favorite food group. Whether it be hot or cold, there is nothing better than eggs, bacon, cereal, french toast, or any combination of such things. My favorite breakfast food, however, is cereal, so here's my definitive list of the best cereals:
7. Apple Jacks.
Apple Jacks might be the most consistently underrated cereal out there. Nobody ever gives it credit, but it's a pretty reliable bet usually. Hard to go wrong with Apple Jacks.
6. Honey Nut Cheerios.
Honey Nut Cheerios are a staple of American breakfast food culture. They're loved universally for tasting like candy and still being pretty good for you. Probably the cereal your grandmother had stocked because it's a grandma cereal, but still good.
5. Frosted Flakes.
Tony the Tiger is a pretty identifiable character and those old Frosted Flakes commercials used to pump me up like crazy. The "We Are Tigers" commercial (which will forever be my favorite) and the sweet, sweet flakes put this cereal at number five.
4. Cocoa Puffs.
I love Cocoa Puffs. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could eat Cocoa Puffs (and Yoo-Hoo) forever. The best part of Cocoa Puffs is the end, when all the chocolate powder falls to the bottom and you wind up with chocolate milk. Win-win.
3. Lucky Charms.
Marshmallows. 'Nuff said.
2. Cap'n Crunch.
Oh boy do I love Cap'n Crunch. Sweet as hell, always refreshing, and basically the cereal I was raised on. Cap'n Crunch is always underrated for no reason, and if you don't like Cap'n Crunch I kind of hate you.
1. Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch isn't cereal, it's art. The cinnamon swirls are an explosion of sugary bliss, and when you finish the cereal, you get that sweet cinnamon milk to down right after. If I could freebase the cinnamon sugar powder, I seriously think I would. GOAT, hands down.
P.S. If you pour the milk before the cereal, you should be drawn and quartered.