Trust issues are more than not being able to take a compliment. For girls who internalize them, they’re more than a cheater and they’re more than a breakup.
They are deep, ugly wounds in a girl’s heart that can keep her from knowing her self-worth.
Girls with real trust issues have been let down so many times by people they put their faith in that they have learned to expect the bare minimum from others always. They wont get their hopes up for anything or anyone. It’s a defense mechanism; a natural instinct.
I didn’t know the extent of my own trust issues until I found a boy who took the time, broke the trend, and showed me that I am worth it.
If you’ve found someone who has genuinely showed you that "they're not all the same" too, here are some reasons to thank the guy who fixed your trust issues:
1. For being patient.
Because I didn’t allow myself to let you in overnight. I had walls built up that you took the time to break down, and it did take a long time. You didn’t try to force anything on me and you gave me space when I needed it.
2. For coming back even when I tried to push you away.
Because I tried to run before allowing myself to “catch feelings” for you. Even when I tried to make it seem like I didn’t care about you, you saw through me.
3. For teaching me to trust boys.
Because you showed me they're not "all the same."
4. For teaching me to trust people in general.
Because before you, I couldn’t. I was the only person I allowed myself to rely on.
5. For teaching me to take risks.
Because trusting you turned out to be the best chance I could take.
6. For reassuring me.
Because you always remind me that you mean it when you say, “You’re beautiful” or “I love you,” and don’t take it personally when I have to ask.
7. For allowing me to be myself.
Because you make me feel safe. I can be goofy, I can cry, I can wear no makeup around you and you treat me like a princess regardless.
8. For teaching me that myself is enough.
Because not only do I have someone who knows me inside and out, but shows me that I am imperfectly perfect. I don't have to try around you.
9. For being my best friend.
Because you've impacted me so much already.
10. For fixing mistakes when you make them.
Because you're only human.
11. For showing me I am worthy of having an amazing guy.
Because I never imagined I would find someone like you.