45 Terrible But True Roommate Stories Of Florida State | The Odyssey Online
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45 Terrible But True Roommate Stories Of Florida State

7. “My Roommate sets off the fire alarm to feel joy.”

45 Terrible But True Roommate Stories Of Florida State

Everyone has had a bad roommate experience, but has yours really been the worst? In honor of October being National Hate Your Roommate Month, I've gone around campus collecting stories of terrible roommates. The students of Florida State didn't let me down with 45 solid stories that make me question how these people get through life, let alone into college.

1. “Honestly, a terrible roommate is one who doesn't fill up the Brita.”

2. “My roommate went through my closet every weekend and ate my food.”

3. “We went out freshman semester, I went to go use the bathroom, and she left me at Coli… #ripColi”

4. “My roommate locks me out on purpose.”

5.“One night my roommate brought her blacked out friend back to our dorm to take care of him. As soon as he got to the couch he fell asleep, but we woke up to him sleep-walking, peeing on the floor.”

6.“My roommate last year used to watch herself eat in the mirror… at one point, she watched herself eat a whole microwave corn dog in one bite.”

7. “My Roommate sets off the fire alarm to feel joy.”

8. “My freshman year roommate came home so drunk that she passed out after pulling out her tampon and laying it next to her in bed. She woke up the next morning and blamed me for it.”

9.“I came home last night and went to the kitchen to find a friend of roommate climbing through the window with my food. She got away.”

10. “My roommate asks me every week for a cat but I’ve always been allergic and told her so. I come back from a week-long vacation to one in the common room.”

11. “Sophomore year my roommate brought home guys literally every night. When my mom came to visit me one weekend, I tried to run the washer to drown her out but my mom finally asked, ‘Does that girl ever take a break?’ I was mortified.”

12. “My roommate threw up on my bed while I was in Gainesville during a hurricane and left it there for 4 days until I came home.”

13.“My roommate used to throw glass bottles at me. She was eventually evaluated for mental instability.”

14.“My cousin's roommate sophomore year thought she was an elf and bought fake ear extensions so her ears could be pointy.”

15.“One of my roommates thought she was reincarnated from a horse and would neigh all the time. She also never shaved her armpits and would shave her legs except around her horse tattoo so it would be ‘furry.’”

16.“In Valencia, my roommate dropped off her drunk friend and went back out. I put him to sleep on the couch but woke up at 5 A.M., eye level with his junk as he was peeing on my laptop.”

17.“I was sitting on my bed in our dorm around noon when my roommate started having sex with the THIRD RANDOM THAT DAY on her dorm bed practically 6 feet away. I got up and left.”

18.“I was interviewed 3 times by the police because of sketchy things my roommate was doing.”

19.“When I didn’t abide by the 9pm curfew my roommate gave me, she retaliated by trying to put an alarm on our dorm room door.”

20.“My roommate tried to perform an exorcism on me because I brought home my tinder date.”

21.“Freshman year, my roommate got way too drunk. She made it to the toilet to throw up but peed on floor at the same time.”

22.“My roommate obscenely yells at me for watching The Bachelor at 9 p.m.”

23.“Sophomore year, my roommate’s boyfriend was basically living with us, so I said something about it. For the rest of the semester, she put the pictures that had me in it face down on the tables.”

24.“I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that my roommate was taking nudes under the covers in our dorm.”

25.“My roommate sophomore year filed a police report on my other roommate’s boyfriend bc he hid some of her things.”

26.“My psycho freshman roommate robbed my house with the assistance of her mother when I was out of the country.”

27.“She would put her old food in bin with Pokémon figurines to ‘feed them.’”

28.“This girl had a book of witchcraft sitting on her shelf. One night, I woke up to pee and heard her whispering “Kiku” really creepily to her open book. In the morning I looked up the word she was whispering. Turns out, she was trying to summon a witch to our dorm room.”

29.“My roommate called herself ‘twilight sparkles’ and had skype sex with her boyfriend every day while I was in the room.”

30.“My roommate got pink eye all the time because she told me she didn’t like her hands clean.”

31."My roommate told me that she hadn’t washed her sheets this year. She’s had 20+ sexual partners and all of their dogs in her bed."

32.“My roommate was a little frisky her freshman year and ended up catching chlamydia after 2 days at FSU.”

33.“My roommate confessed that she pokes holes in FSU condoms when she's bored.”

34.“My friend’s roommate steals phones from people at the bars and sells them online.”

35.“My psycho freshman roommate robbed my house with the assistance of her mother when I was out of the country.”

36.“One time she punched herself in the eye so her back-home boyfriend would feel bad for her.”

37.“My roommate sophomore year filed a police report on my other roommate’s boyfriend bc he hid some of her things.”

38.“My freshman year roommate washed her dirty underwear in our dorm room sink.... multiple times.”

39.“My suitemate used to have sex with her boyfriend in the dorm showers in Salley… while we were in the room lol.”

40.“One of my roommates let four lokos mold over in our dorm room.”

41.“My freshman year, my roommate tweeted about every single Facetime conversation I had for months and told me she thought her sister was ugly.”

42.“I walked in on my freshman year roommate having sex and she didn't stop…”

43. “I had drunk sex with some guy freshman year, woke up drunk to use the bathroom, went back to bed, GOT IN THE WONG BED, and made this guy go get my clothes out of the other room so that I could sneak out of their house.”

44.“Yo my roommate has flags hanging all around her bed so I couldn't see when she was there or not, had weapons hidden all around our room and threatened the guy subway with a knife because he wouldn't take her expired coupon.”

45.“Freshman year, my roommate stole my underwear and wore them around.”

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