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Student Life
7 Things Every MSU Student Feels Going Into Super Bulldog Weekend
A weekend in Starkville full of cowbells, maroon, and bulldogs.
11 April 2019
Alumni Association Instagram
Super Bulldog Weekend is this weekend, April 12-14. Did you ever wonder how students on MSU's campus feel about this weekend?
Football is BACK!
The spring football game gives us a glimpse of fall. We are here to see how our team will be this year and what Joe Moorhead has in store for us. Davis Wade is opened back up, and we get to experience a small piece of game days at MSU.
Baseball - All. Weekend. Long.
The newly renovated Dudy Noble Field is now known as the Carnegie Hall of Baseball, and if you visit it, you know exactly why. This field transformed an MSU student's baseball game experience. This weekend, many MSU students will experience Dudy Noble for the first time at Super Bulldog Weekend.
Cotton District Arts Festival - Take me NOW!
This is the biggest festival that takes place in Starkville. Tons of vendors are set up all around the Cotton District. Everything is handmade, and the items for sale are so versatile. Products are made in different countries and states around the world. There is live music, fresh food, and fun times with friends. The Cotton District Arts Festival is definitely the place to be on Saturday morning.
Is it time to sample the pigs yet?!
Friday starts the pig cooking, and many people will participate to cook their pig in the best way. Saturday, they will all be judged, and that afternoon, they're up for sampling! Grab your friends and go pick your favorite!
Do you want to tailgate with me??
The junction is opened, and we get to taste tailgating in the spring. It is just the same as in the fall, only slightly cooler. Bring your tent and join us!
It's like spring homecoming!
That is exactly what it is. Fans, friends, and families fill the stands at every event. Old friends meet up, and new friends are made. Past memories and experiences are remembered, while new traditions are begun.
Please don't rain!!!
Most importantly, we don't want it to rain. Raining means all the sporting, arts, and cooking events are canceled or postponed, and we can't enjoy these great events our university has put on. We will be constantly checking the weather.
Super Bulldog Weekend is definitely a weekend to remember as a Bulldog. Everything that our university and city has to offer is on display. Anyone that comes is likely to find something that they like to participate in. So, if you don't have weekend plans, head to Starkville and join us for the 34th annual Super Bulldog Weekend!
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Student Life
The Frustration Following The District 86 Cuts
The unfortunate part of this is that the School Board has known for many years that there was desperate need for repairs.
30 January 2019
Recently the School District 86 has come under some heavy media fire following the announcement that the referendum did not pass and thus resulted in major cuts having to be applied in order for much-needed repairs to occur at both Hinsdale South and Hinsdale Central.
On December 17th due to the referendum not passing the School Board used the action of cutting many sports teams including Football, Girls and Boys Water Polo, Girls and Boys Swimming, and multiple clubs were all part of the cut. Many believed this was a bully move to force the referendum to be passed and thus increase taxes on the surrounding neighborhoods. They also cut numerous clubs including several foreign language clubs, drama clubs, Wounded Warriors and more.
The unfortunate part of this is that the School Board has known for many years that there was a desperate need for repairs. Previously the choice was made to purchase brand new turf on the football field which although was a great purchase, there were other more pressing matters to attend to.
Following the incident, there was immediate outrage from both Hinsdale Central and Hinsdale South communities as numerous programs were cut meaning that students would not be able to participate in sports that year nor would they be able to celebrate their senior nights until the situation was resolved. This, of course, prompted outrage from alumni, the current student body and the families involved in it.
The communities were quick to rally and set up an event to register people to vote for the April referendum in order to try to fix the situation. The issue is that things like Prom were not being handled as the Student Body Electives were also cut meaning no one was there assist in planning but there also could essentially be no planning.
The whole situation was ridiculous and even led to larger news outlets such as the Chicago Tribune covering and following the development. It's frustrating looking at it from an academic standpoint as well as for the junior and seniors who are preparing for college one of the many things that Universities look for in applicants is the activities and clubs that they took part in. Thus many will be limited in their scholarship search now as well as many universities looking for a student who is going to promote their campus.
Overall the situation is frustrating to all involved within the community and many need the issue to be resolved NOW! For more information, you can check out the District 86 website.
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Mental Health
7 Ways To Calm Your Mind, Body, And Soul During An Anxiety Attack
It is OK not to be OK.
16 January 2019
Amanda Topolski
Everyone gets anxiety attacks whether you will admit it or not. Seven little things that help me find my inner peace are ones I feel everyone should be aware of.
1. Try the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" grounding exercise.
Answer these five questions out loud for sensory awareness:
What are five things you can see?
What are four things you can feel?
What are three things you can hear?
What are two things you can smell?
What is one thing you love about yourself?
2. Try out this breathing .GIF.
Breathe In Help GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy3. Listen to a song that reduces your anxiety.
4. Use some lavender oil.
Rub it on your temples.
Put some on your wrists.
5. Tense up your muscles (and then relax).
This may sound counter-intuitive, but just give it a try:
Start tensing at your toes and move up through your body — legs, abdomen, arms, neck, and jaw. Hold it for four counts. Then, relax your muscles. Feel the tension melt out of you.
6. Download an app on your phone.
There are my top apps for helping with anxiety (and they are FREE):
"Recolor" (a coloring book app).
"Wordscapes" (like a crossword puzzle).
"PicrossLUNA" (kind of a play-off of sudoku).
"Words With Friends 2" (just like Scrabble).
7. Reach into your freezer and grab an ice cube.
Just one of many distraction methods.
Reach into the freezer and grab an ice cube or an ice pack.
Hold it firmly in your hand.
Place it on your toes.
The idea is to distract your mind from anything else.
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Unofficial Ranking Of London Underground Lines
Which tube line is your favorite?
26 December 2018
Everyone has a love/hate relationship with the London Underground. On top of this, everyone has strong opinions about which line is the best. So here is my unofficial ranking of the London Underground lines.
5. Northern Line
This line brings you North to South through London and is probably a line you take to transfer to another line.
4. Jubilee
Small and fast, this train can bring you from Canary Wharf to central London in no time at all. Plus, it is just as fun to say as it is to ride!
3. Central Line
This brings you right through the center of London. It isn't super nice, but if you are trying to get from one side of London to the other, this is your line.
2. Circle/District Line
Run on the same tracks, this is by far the nicest line out there. It has large cars, comfy seats and just feels clean. The bright yellow color makes me happy and there was always room on the ride, even during rush hour. Plus, it brings you right along the River Thames, which is convenient.
1. Piccadilly Line
A personal favorite of mine. It isn't the nicest, but it gets you so many places in London that it is always one of the best to take. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
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Politics and Activism
Why Michiganders Should Vote 'Yes' on Proposal 2: The Redistricting Proposal
Because "Voters should choose their politicians, not the other way around."
19 October 2018
Voters Not Politicians is a registered ballot committee that is working hard to make amendments in our Constitution that redirects power to go back to voters. This group aims to raise awareness and lead the charge to redraw legislative and congressional districts by the citizens themselves, not politicians.
Over 400,000 voters from across the state rallied together, and Voters Not Politicians racked up enough signatures to make it impossible to ignore the push for change.
This November presents an opportunity to make a huge shift towards what Voters Not Politicians have been working hard for since 2016. With a motion of 3-0 from the board, the proposal to give power back to the people won favorably. In November, Proposal 2 will be on the Michigan ballot.
Gerrymandering has been used in the United States political system for upwards of 200 years, and it has been relatively controversial throughout history. Gerrymandering is used to favor a single political party, often the one that is in control or is seen to have the most power in the area. Through cracking, which draws lines to spread out oppositional voters as far as possible, and packing, which aims to group together oppositional voters into a single district- both tactics severely screw election results.
Regardless of the party you're in, there's a good chance voting yes on Proposal 2 will benefit yourself and our state in the long run. If the proposal passes, the resulting amendment would create an independent redistricting committee. The committee would consist of 4 democrats, 4 republicans and 5 independent members.
Some congressional and legislative districts in Michigan are drawn with such political intent that you can hardly recognize them. Congressional 14th District in Michigan is a prime example. It runs from Auburn hills, and zigzags its way down to the base of Detroit- composed of weird shapes and sharp edges, designed to benefit the party in office.
Michigan is one of 28 states that gives redistricting power to the legislation, which means that districts change vastly based upon which party holds the majority. Not to mention, there is a danger with giving a party this much power. Scandals can occur, and it's difficult to combat an awry party when they have this much control over vote distribution.
This non-partisan redistricting committee would bring voices back to all voters in Michigan- vote yes.
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