There Is More To Being Just "Okay"
"[T]o be okay is not living a life of passion and thrill; it is not unforgettable or life-altering".
The world: an ever-evolving place that one can never hit the pause button on. It fast forwards before the blink of an eye and at times we are left asking ourselves, am I making the best use of the present moment? Am I being the best version of myself amongst the hustle and bustle? The most lingering question of all that recurrently ponders my mind is: how many people are settling? With 7.6 billion people inhabiting the earth one can only assume there must be a lot. Whether it be settling with okay friends, an okay job, okay relationship, or life itself why is it that we feel the need to settle? The reason behind this is that being okay is to be comfortable. And honestly who does not want to be comfortable? After all, being okay may pay the bills, and allow us to rest our heads at night. Many people are fine with living an okay lifestyle and guess what? This is okay. However, to be okay is not living a life of passion and thrill; it is not unforgettable or life-altering. At the end of the day we do not just deserve okay but so much more and although it can be scary to take risks we should be able to get to a point where we sacrifice what we considered to be okay for a small chance that something more amazing can occur.